it also means you should challenge your own ideas. if all you seek is information to confirm your beliefs, then you're not a critical thinker. If you think your side is right about everything and everyone else is wrong, then you are not a critical thinker.
ExJws Should Know Better Than To Just Accept Things And Follow The Leader
by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends
What I see and experience in the world shapes my opinions - and certainly Not what anybody else says or thinks.
You would THINK that ex-JWs would have inherently sharpened skills identifying bullshit and disingenuous propaganda, etc.
I think perhaps maybe if the ex-JW is a little older and/or not raised in the religion, although there are exceptions to this.
I was not raised in the religion and left as an older working person in my 40s. Whereas some young JW who is born-in and wants Out doesn’t even know who they are or how the world works!..If anything, I think they would be most vulnerable to whatever - so I think it depends on who the ex-JW is.
I was born in, and in for nearly 6 decades. My critical Thinking skills were close to Nil. But, I had ever since I was very young, a thirst for knowledge, which I still have. I always read a lot. Still do.
But most of my J.W contemporaries were downright lazy, they read little, and thought less, I think the ones who read a fair bit and thought a bit, nearly all left before me. In fact one Elder said to me " We are losing all the intelligent ones", which made me wonder, but not quite enough at that time.
I think the ones who have left in the last few years are often of the " Lazy Class" LOL, so used to having been spoon fed what they should read and think, that they have lazy reading habits, and nil Critical Thinking skills. You can see that by the comments they make on here , and the questions they ask. of course there are exceptions to this generalisation.
It does take a little effort to read enough, and then you need to Fact Check what you have read, google etc can often be false friends.
But it is such a joy to be able to spot bullshit straight away, or at least in a short time of Fact Checking, such a joy to round out your knowledge, and a joy to not be misled.
The Lazy Class are not using their freedom as they should, and are missing out on becoming what they should.
I forgot to add, Thank You Anna Marina, for your comments, most helpful, and they have further added to my knowledge !
Anna Marina
Thanks Phizzy - been fact checking since the 1980s.
Yes fooled by Watchtower up to a point but I was lied to in my study and I did not understand their mind games. I stood firm for what I knew the Bible really said and did my best to make sure I was thrown out as publicly as I could be to expose them for what they were. Liars and con-men.
Sometimes you have to experience how crafty people are and that despite professing to have your best interests at heart (and be telling the truth), they are really trying to enslave you and remove your freedom. I was too naive to understand that anyone would be so cruel to their fellow Man. But I have learnt now.
Oh and by the time they threw me out, I had already disfellowshipped the Governing Body. I figured they had no claim to be Christian or view me as tax collector.
(Matthew 18:17) . . .If he does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.
@ Phizzy...
The "Lazy Class"...
...that's good.