California to ban sales of fossil fuel cars in 15 years
by mickbobcat 45 Replies latest social current
Might I suggest a book called Apocalypse Never by Michael Shellenberger?
jp1692 - wow, you really have swallowed the cool-aid haven't you?
You actually believe the "97% of scientists agree" hoax?
The reality is that plenty of scientists question things but you don't get published if you don't preach the gospel of climate change.
It's dangerous and career limiting to try to counter the narrative, yet even so plenty of people are speaking up and pointing to the dodgy "science" and the hackery of altering past data and excluding information to produce charts that look more convincing.
Do some research, not just lazy-ass watching the news and listening to celebs.
If you refuse to listen to counter-opinions then who really is still "thinking like they are in a cult" eh?
And if you don't think those counter opinions exist and have data to back things up, then you really are wandering around with your eyes firmly shut.
Scientists should lead by example. David Suzuki should donate 3 of his 4 mansions to house some of Vancouver's homeless population
His SUVs should be used to transport the disabled.
No more high paid speaking engagements for you Mr Suzuki as this contributes to climate change.
Climate change is big business. Follow the money and the real truth will be revealed.
Ultimate Axiom
While I accept the ‘fact’ that CO2 emissions are a major contributor to global warming, I wonder why activists target fossil fuelled transportation as the prime culprit. I haven’t done any research to fact check this (and I can’t be bothered to anyway), but on the news last night, in a item on UK farming following Brexit, it claimed that the world’s beef/diary/pig/sheep farms (including attendant deforestation) produce many times more CO2 emissions than all the cars, buses, trains, planes and factories put together. It’s a rhetorical question, but why don’t they campaign for a ban on meat sales? It would have a bigger impact.
It’s a rhetorical question, but why don’t they campaign for a ban on meat sales?