Simon: Two things. Firstly, we can't discuss the incidence of rape based on single instances but must do so in view of the actual statistics. This is confounded by the fact Sweden defines rape broadly and so to compare against other countries we must rely on studies of rape incidents that take this difference in definitions into account. What studies would you recommend?
What is your opinion of the news media?
by minimus 491 Replies latest social current
I recommend you get your head out your ass.
There tend not to be official studies for things that officials are actively working to cover up. Funny how that works.
Simon: Let me guess, we can no longer use the term "Sweden" unless there has been a poll of all Swedes no alive and they all agree 100%.
I never said that...
My claim is that if someone wishes to say Swedes (or the Swedish authorities, whatever) don't feel outraged over rape that must be backed up by concrete evidence. Europes most pro-active rape reporting laws suggests differently.
When someone says "Swedes", it's clear to mean they mean general sentiment. Just as when people say "Canadians" or "Americans".
Sweden was pro immigration, they were fed it and accepted it. Now things are changing. Same with Germany.
What is changing people's opinions? The significant criminal behaviour of the immigrants.
Some in these countries, to hide the fact that they have fucked up massively, resort to trying to hide the evidence. Despite the now notorious ~1,200 sex attacks in Cologne, the official crime stats report just 17 (!) while at the same time they are trying to inflate the number of claimed right-wing attacks.
BTW: It's funny, someone says something against Islam, and it has to be picked over with a fine tooth comb and you argue every point, however trivial - no effort is too much.
Muslims claim Islam is a religion of peace and no questions asked. But when they clearly say people should be killed etc... then who can know what they really mean and it's nothing to do with Islam.
Q: Are you Muslim? Of Muslim origin or have Muslim family? -
No, I am not a Muslim and don't have a Muslim family. It is very strange to be asked that question given my history on this site (atheist and critic of Islam).
I don't oppose Islam despite being generally on the left politically, but exactly because of it.
You claim Swedish authorities don't feel outrage over rape?! - that's not what I claimed.
I merely said that when it comes to immigrant criminals, it seems Sweden doesn't want it's people to feel outrage.
It would also be handy if you could comment on that internal letter supposedly sent to Stockholm police. Is this story genuine?
I think the attitudes of Sweden's government and media are shown in these two photos.
In the first, we see the so-called 'first feminist government of the world' taking no lectures from Trump and pledging to reduce CO2 emissions.
In the second, we see the same politicians in Iran, wearing hijabs out of respect for a misogynistic religion/culture.
Nathan Natas
My opinion of the news media? That for the most part they are a group of "purty gurls," "pretty boyz" and transitive polysexuals who found being a Communications Major to be their personal Mt. Katahdin (an "easy climb" for anyone with a brain). They have a grasp of no subject that does not pertain to makeup or hairspray and are prone to on-air-hysteria and pouting. They think Communism still "deserves a chance to work" and that people who believe in personal liberty have just not gotten the memo. They are fools and posturing peacocks (no offense to peacocks, who are born that way).
I think that, as with other large members of the weasel family, they should not be fed or invited into your home.
I think the attitudes of Sweden's government and media are shown in these two photos.
Yeah, they lecture the US about not letting in the people who then dictate how they should act and what they should wear.
Good job ladies.
It's easy to criticize the US president because, in our free western democracies, you will not be killed for it.
Why not draw a cartoon to protest something actually affecting people's lives ...
Weak society led by weak governments are easy pickings for a fascist ideology. Women invite rapists into their country and think it makes them feminists. It makes them fools.