Trump was like a maestro yesterday playing the press . He doesn't follow the rules and if they don't like it too bad because they going to talk crap about him anyway
What is your opinion of the news media?
by minimus 491 Replies latest social current
Free....enjoyed your comments. You can disagree without being disagreeable
Them trying to spin his interaction with April Ryan is being played up as racist, I heard the audio clip on XM this morning (they were asserting its racist BTW), and I feel it's another stretch to try and nitpick every little iota of anything he does and spin it. I really don't believe he was being racist upon listening to the actual clip and judging for myself. This is the crap I can't stand. CNN claiming that Adel winning instead of Beyonce, SWEET LETS RACE BAIT THAT SHIT!!! It's really enough from them already. The media plays a bigger role in dividing this awesome country than just about anything else. They makes us believe women don't have rights, and we are institutionally racist, and on and on... enough!
Wiz and rebel----👍👍
Yes I saw that exchange yesterday and I heard this morning that certain people were suggesting that Trump was being a racist. What BS!!!!!
You post ridiculous things; you will be ridiculed. You show pride and a lack of humility; you will be humiliated. You lack self control; others will control you.
I am of course talking about Saturday Night Live, Steven Colbert, Twitter, Seth Myers.
And me.
You can mitigate all of this by conducting some research and giving some thought before you post BS.
None of us should accept the media. Of course that's right, especially with the Internet, fake news, CTs, etc. But we can fact check rather easily to determine who is lying, but only if we get rid of our biases.
Now I see how Trump was elected. The Blonde leading the Bland; The Orange leading the Brain Dead.
I see one poster on this thread who has listed specific points with references, asking for credible refutation, and then I see other posters merely asserting "the media is unfair" without any supporting evidence, merely expressing opinions.
Just sayin'.
But we can fact check rather easily to determine who is lying, but only if we get rid of our biases.
Sadly I now feel the need to fact check absolutely every bloody thing I see to an extreme degree. That is a good indicator how untrustworthy news media sources have become, and gain it's not even facts, the spin has become outrageous. That's not lying its something else. Fox news and even more extreme sources can have facts, but the headline and story is usually clearly trying to spin it in an extreme way.
Here is the thing with Trump, people have been aware for sometime the politicians of the establishment AND the media have been pissing on their leg. That has brought us to this, for good or bad, it has created the Trump era, where people don't care as much about his faults as his willingness to shit back on both of them. He's the bully hired to hit the other bullies, it is what it is now.
Free.... you have made many statements and assertions. Based upon some of the gang here you must prove whatever you're trying to say. If you do not prove it you're a dumb imbecile. they are so silly…
If you do not prove it you're a dumb imbecile.
Not at all even close to what I said.