Thank you for your kind offer Ruby. i will keep you in mind, and if I need help in the future we would need to communicate via email.
Right at this moment I am extracting material from "Monotheism and the Prophetic Minority" by Bernhard Lang and then I will be doing the same with "Asherah and the Cult of Yahweh in Israel" by Saul Olyan.
There are others I have yet to consider, including works dealing with the Judahite Pillar Figurines.
I have worked my way through several other sources, such as "The Birth of Monotheism" by Andre Lemaire, "The Female Goddess", Patai, "When God was a woman", Stone, the books by Mark Smith, by John Day, and by William Dever. and so on.
My intention is to focus on the Israelites, in other words up to and including the Neo-Babylonian Era. I plan to consider the subsequent era from about 550 BCE (round figure) up to 100 CE as Jewish (not Israelite). I then see Christianity evolving from the second century.
So that's where I am at. It's the stage we called the "brown paper bag" stage, where all sorts of potential ideas are collected.
There are books I would like to access but the prices are exorbitant and I wonder whether they would have added to the picture.