Common sense triumphs occasionally...
for those who missed it, a JW headline
by Mommie Dark 26 Replies latest jw friends
Mommie Dark,
It seems to me that you don't have common sence.
If I were that witness, I'd send the WBTS a $632.00 bill. Actually, I tack on more for the time spent in court, mental anguish and ebarrasment. I'd also make a copy of the kingdom ministry article stating to go back to householder's residence that have requested no visits, just in case a loved one died and the householder is mourning. (in other words, go kick them while they're down. They'll fall for it easier now) I bet the society would refuse to help this witness pay.
just a thought.... I can see it coming out soon in a KM or an announcement at kingdom halls NOT to visit people again who reqeust them to stay away, now that the story was made public. Just like the charging for parking at assemblies.
thanks for the link.
somebody -
some and mD
the DNC list is still a way to get this point across...and rest assured this is not an isolated incident.........
if it was there would not be an office or many offices(cant tell which) @ paterson set up to take phone calls on this issue.......
and with all the "disturbing of the peace" and the many times that JWS call from house to house...if you call the DNC office more than ~once~... the free help there gets/responds should I say this eloquently
"shitty with you""
so please call
and ask for the Do Not Call office -
thanks....I'm going to call that number right now. I'll let you know what was said.
somebody -
back again...I called the number. I got a recording saying I reached the charible planning office, and that nobody was there to take my call. I left my name and address, with a request for the charitable planning brochure.
I'll try back during the week when I can speak to a person, and ask for the Do Not Call office.
thank you, stephenw20
somebody -
the irony of it the DNC office has NO DIRecT number.......or wont give one I call the "charitable planning office and they will connect you...after they ask WHAT state are you from.?
the irony of it the DNC office has NO DIRecT number.......or wont give one out......
I didn't even know that a DNC office even existed. How did you find out that there was one?
so I call the "charitable planning office and they will connect you...after they ask WHAT state are you from.?
I wonder why they ask what state you're from. maybe to look up the laws in that state regarding trespassing and soliciting?
common sense triumphs occasionally...
well, the judge would've shown a bit better sense of justice
if he'd given the full $8K settlement.Hey, wonder if the Watchtower Suits will let Sister DiStefano twist in the wind... or will the Full Force of the Kult's Legal Department come to her rescue... and uhh, fight the appeal for her, and try to Win The Precedent That Religious Freedom includes the WTgod-Given Right to Pester the Hell Out of 3rd Shift Workers Trying Their Best to Exercise Their God-Given RIGHT of FREE SLEEP?!
Maybe the Kult will fight it all the way to the Supreme Court, and who knows, maybe they'll win. With the latest batch of Supremes on the bench, it could happen. These Jokers (the majority) recently ruled that Pigs could stop Motorists who weren't wearing their seatbelt and Handcuff and Arrest them!
Yeah, that's right. I said P I G S !
I know I said "Be Kind To Animals", but there are exceptions...
The real irony is that Sister DiStefano will probably be privately (if not publicly) reproved for having lost the lawsuit in the first place. I would love to be a fly on the wall of that Kingdom Hall, let me tell you!