How Many Young People That You Knew Are Still Active JW's???

by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • unbeliever

    In my former congregation quite a few young ones have left but then went back. I can think of 4 in my age group that have left including me and stayed out.

    In a neighboring cong. 3 siblings "ran away" to California. They planned it all out and bailed when the youngest one turned 18. The parents were beside themselves and the elders tried to get in touch with them but they refused to take their calls.

  • Nosferatu

    I can only think of 3 that went inactive. The only one that stayed out was the only one I really got along with. The rest went back to the Watchtower Suiciety.

  • Elsewhere

    Let me see here...

    Me: DAed
    Sister: Drifted then went back in a panic
    Cousin: DFed
    Cousin: Drifted
    Cousin: Drifted
    Cousin: Drifted
    Cousin: Drifted
    Uncle: Drifted
    Aunt: Drifted
    Uncle: Drifted

    The rest of my family is pritty much your typical die-hard JW

  • NeonMadman

    My daughter was, I believe, the only one of the "youths" in our congregation that didn't get disfellowshipped (she got reproved). Some of the others, have since come back; now my daughter is inactive, and likely to remain so.

  • minimus

    Consider the stress that young people have in the congregation, living up to what the elders and their parents want them to be. I'm sure many go thru the motions by attending all the meetings, answering, going out in service and HATING it.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Here is a Hall of Fame thread from a few years ago about this very topic!

    check it out!

    (ps don't you think we should have a Hall of Fame for threads?)

  • minimus

    Hail the Great Maximus!!!.......That was a great thread. Thanks for putting it back up......and yes, I think we should have "THE BEST OF " type threads that are threads that once you read them are savers.

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