Doctrines and Bible Interpretations

by IWant2Know 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IWant2Know

    KalebOutWest saId:

    I don't even know what a church Christian is, so I guess that pretty counts me out.

    They are Christians other than JWs.

    I don't think non-church or non-Bible Christians who left the Watchtower are going to give you the most interesting answers. I think the ones who are going to give you those are ones who are still stuck on believing that the Bible is where all belief must still come from.

    So, what about the one young woman who used to post at this forum who was very knowledgeable and who gave long and sophisticated Bible answers?

  • KalebOutWest


    So, what about the one young woman who used to post at this forum who was very knowledgeable and who gave long and sophisticated Bible answers?

    There are countless people on this forum. You will have to be more specific, such as use their actual name.

    And if you know their name, you can then ask them directly by sending them a message.

    But individual people here who don't know them or about them can't answer questions about others.

    Forums are just like real life. We don't have ESP here either and thus cannot read one another's minds (or yours). It's called "reality," and there are boundries to it.

    (It's like me asking you: "What about that one woman who lives in your town in that one house who likes pepper on her potatoes? You know, the one who wears material made of molecules? What is her father's name?" How are you supposed to know? You can't. I would not ask you to answer a question without enough specifics in it.)

  • Vanderhoven7

    The truth is

    Every unique doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is extra-biblical, .ie., not found in the Bible.

    Evey teaching that is unique and original to the religion is derived by eisegesis rather than exegesis I.e., speculation additional to scripture.

  • Kosonen

    I would like to shortly tell my story. When I was about 30 years 19 years ago I saw one WT teaching that was not according to the Bible. Then I thought what else might be wrong? So I started to read the Bible cover to cover multiple times prayerfully to understand which WT doctrines are true and which are false. In that way during several years I found out many things WT teaches correctly but also many things they teach falsely.

  • ElderBerry
    road to nowhere21 hours ago

    Morality comes down to logic. (Thanks spock)

    Religion comes from a need for hope.

    Like many pimo's I am becoming an agnostic.


    Road to nowhere this is me too. On Reddit many PIMOs are turning to agnostic so they can still have hope.

    Im also PIMA because I hope there is something better than it was all just blind chance.

    You could be agnostic and a PIMI. Physically in but open to the possibility that what the GB teach is wrong, either partly or mostly.

    I think most PIMIs think the GB maybe wrong on some things otherwise there would never be new lite ever again.

    Some Physically still in like me think the GB are wrong about most things perhaps everything if there is no God and the Bible is just another book.

    but it’s a great way of life so it’s worth staying PIMA

  • Phizzy

    Iwant2know posted :" Phizzy said:

    Hence all of their unique Doctrines are false, using just the Bible to prove them so.

    What do you mean?"

    I shall repost Van's excellent explanation of what I meant in the above :

    " The truth is

    Every unique doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is extra-biblical, .ie., not found in the Bible.

    Every teaching that is unique and original to the religion, is derived by eisegesis rather than exegesis I.e., speculation additional to scripture. "

  • Vanderhoven7

    The unique doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses are the ones that only Jehovah’s Witnesses teach. Here is a list that I’ve compiled…and perhaps Witnesses will be glad to demonstrate that they are found in the Bible.

    1. Only Jehovah's Witnesses teach that there were less than 144,000 faithful Christians that existed prior to the 20th century They alone teach that from all of humanity, there will be exactly and exclusively 144,000 faithful born-again Christians whose destiny is heaven.

    2. Only Jehovah's Witnesses teach that over 99% of those martyred as Christians prior to the 20 century were not genuine Christians. Since less than 144,000 faithful Christians existed prior to the 20th century, Witnesses uniquely conclude that although many have claimed to be true Christians during the common era, and millions have sacrificed their lives for Christ, they were merely professed Christians.

    3. Only Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the current 9 man governing body at headquarters, represent the modern Faithful and Discrete Slave that Jesus talked about in Matthew 24:45-47. They alone teach that the original Slave was appointed by Jesus Christ in April of 1919 and that this slave status was transferred to all subsequent Watchtower Society leaders. The 1919 appointment occurred soon after Jesus cleansed his temple in the fall of 1918 by rejecting all of Satan's organization, including that whore of Babylon, which goes by the name of Christendom.

    4. Only Jehovah's Witnesses believe that these original princes appointed in 1919 were selected on the basis of the fine food they were distributing coupled with the understanding that these men were uniquely humble and obedient. Witnesses believe that in all of the world, only the, Governing Body has the mandate and ability to understand and interpret the Bible which is an organizational book, not meant for individuals to interpret themselves apart from Jehovah's faithful slave.

    5. Only Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the modern other sheep Jesus spoke of in John 10:16 are part of a visible organization with worldwide headquarters in New York; these other sheep began emerging sometime after 1914; that especially since 1935, Jehovah has been calling these sheep to forsake the evils of Christendom and rely on the true leadership Jehovah has provided.

    6. Only Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the modern other sheep constitute the Great Crowd which survives through the great tribulation mentioned in Revelation 7:14 to serve Him in the outer courts of His temple arrangement (i.e. the earth). They are not born-again/anointed; they do not have a heavenly hope as they are not indwelt by holy spirit, nor are they part of the new covenant arrangement and therefore are not entitled to partake of the emblems of Christ's suffering. They will be granted earthly eternal life only after the 1000 year reign of Christ when they will have merited righteousness through obedience to the 144,000 during the millennial period of judgment on the earth.

    7. Only Jehovah's Witnesses believe that storing blood, donating blood and transfusing blood are abominations to Jehovah. They believe the Bible is clear on this subject but Christendom would rather ignore the clear commands of Jehovah provided in Acts 15 by the first century governing body of Jehovah's organization in Jerusalem. However, in his mercy, Jehovah has allowed some identifiable components of blood to be used to save lives since these components are no longer blood.

    8. Only Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnation of a created being known as Michael the archangel; that Jehovah so loved the world that he sent his best angel to redeem mankind. As a created angel, Jesus Christ is not entitled to receive worship or be called upon in prayer.

    9. Only Jehovah's people believe that the second advent of Jesus Christ occurred in October of 1914 and that this date marked the end of the “times of the gentiles” spoken of in Luke 21:24. In 1914 Jesus was enthroned as king and began ruling in heaven thereupon banishing Satan from heaven, and casting him to the earth where he began inflicting great damage on mankind through wars, earthquakes, and disease etc. fulfilling the “composite sign” Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24.

    10. Only Jehovah's Witnesses teach that salvation from eternal destruction at Armageddon depends not only in believing in God, in Christ and the Bible, but also in finding, serving in and being loyal to the right organization headed by Jesus Christ through the Faithful and Wise Servant in New York. Loyalty to this headship includes rejecting all independent religious thought and believing every official teaching of the Faithful Slave. Since absolute doctrinal unity is demanded, any unrepentant deviation from official WTS teaching will result in disfellowship and shunning by friends and family.

  • Vanderhoven7

    JWs have a difficult time seeing the difference between Bible-based and biblical.

    All our beliefs are Bible-based they boast...when actually all of their unique teachings are actually speculation-based.

    If all of their beliefs were true, they would never need change.

  • slimboyfat
    JWs are much closer to the biblical texts than other Christian groups in key teachings including: the importance of God’s name; that Jesus is the firstborn of all creation and subordinate to God; that Christians should be separate from the world and not take part in wars; that consciousness ends at death; that humans will be resurrected to a restored earth; that anointed Christians comprise the ‘Israel of God’; that all Christians must preach; and so on, this is not a complete list. The things they are wrong about are relatively minor and mainly to do with the end times, such as the Gentile Times ending in 1914 and the identity of the ‘faithful slave’.
  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    that anointed Christians comprise the ‘Israel of God’


    All believers are anointed / born again / Justified (all terms refer to the same thing). All Christians comprise the Israel of God and are "grafted in" to an already existing tree not replacement. A Christian's anointing / justification is what saves him from God's wrath. There is no such thing as some Christians that are anointed and some that are not.

    Romans 5: 1,9 - Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 9.) being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

    This is why Jesus over and over emphasized that a person MUST be born again (justified), becasue if they don't, all that is left for them is the wages of sin - which is separation from God, abandonment, and wrath. It is most important that we believe what Jesus said.

    John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

    The "two-ways to get saved" doctrine that Russel introduced is one of the 'doctrines of devils' that the Holy Spirit warned end-time Christians to watch out for. Don't get cheated out of a free gift.

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