And God is the same today as he was yesterday and will be the same tomorrow.
In other words he is unchangeable.
What a bloodthirsty God he was in the Old Testament., at his command killing old men young men women and children by the sword , a two edged sword I might add in some cases.Cutting both ways.
Put yourself in that situation for a minute , either as a victim or the executioner. Can you imagine piercing some other human with a two edged sword ? especially if they were a child ? or teen ? or pregnant woman ? or an elderly man ? yet that is what GOD commanded. ....And his servants did just that.
God created the animals , in the law covenant he makes provision for their health and well being
.On the other hand he wants humans to sacrifice these same animals and bird life. In the 4000 years from Adam to Christ , he has wanted animal . bird sacrifices shedding their blood , would amount to the millions if not billions of animals slaughtered for him.
Is their any difference in the New Testament ? not really , in spite of all the " LOVE" that surrounds Jesus life he wholeheartedly endorses his Fathers wishes .
Christendoms religions cherry pick all the goody goody /lovey lovey scriptures they want but the bottom line is according to the Bible the majority of humans , man woman and child , are going to be annhillated at the great tribulaion and Armageddon
Jehovah/GOD , apparently is not content with the shed blood of Jesus , he wants billions of people to shed their blood in his name. according to the New Testament.