I am saying my cancer was caused by humans who buried ammunition in the ground on a hill. This hill everytime it rained the rain water allowed lead to flow down into our drinking water supply. We did not know this. I had no clue my water was contaminated, I worked from home, I drink or did at the time lots of coffee, the government lied about the lead content. BUT, who is to blame human put ammo in ground, human decided where to place that reservoir in Washington DC, human (me) decided where to live - God did not make any of those decisions. I am not saying you personally are the cause for your cancer but us as a human race are responsible for causing a lot of these cancers. Like asbestos who knew when they developed that what the future would hold, now we know. It is like all this plastic everything come in today quite frankly it scares the hell out of me. In say 30 years we may know the truth.
The Christian GOD / Old Testament GOD , one and the same right? A GOD of Love ?
by smiddy 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'd like the Americas before any colonists. Simple, clean, mostly quiet. No disdain for women, very minimal disease, natural food, thousands of herd animals wandering about, clean environment, no need for money, no bills, no lawyers, build a dwelling wherever. Peoples word meant something.
Really? Of course, it also had inhabitants, native people, that warred, and also, small pox, diptheria, TB, the list goes on, not to mention wild animals that kill, or maybe you would like a rifle or two, in that peaceful world?
Why pine for a past that never was?
We live in a world that is free of childhood diseases, we have relative peace (ie, no world war for 70 years), plentiful food and unprecedented access to information.
Lifespan averages increase every year, an indicator of health.
rebelfighter - You blamed the millions of people who have died as a result of natural disasters for their own stupidity.
This is callous in the extreme.
As far as cancer is concerned some are caused by avoidable factors. That doesn't explain the millions who die every year as a result of random cellular mutations or the millions who have died in previous millennia, or the millions who have died of parasites or bacterial and viral infections
If there is a creator he went out his way to design a world that would inevitably kill millions of his creatures.
Good OP.
I must admit I find it hard to reconcile Yahweh and Jesus.
Some things Jesus said, such as love, forgiveness and compassion, are helpful and can be used today, 2,000 years later. I find these things difficult to reconcile with that loonie, Yahweh, ordering people to slaughter other people - including innocent children and babies.
The Old Testament and The Quran go together well, but IMO the New Testament seems to be the odd one out (in a nice way) ...
I must admit I find it hard to reconcile Yahweh and Jesus.
Many things in the bible don't really come alive until a person "rightly divides" the word of truth.
When God created free moral creatures, two over-arching principles were adhered to.
1. The wages of sin is death
2. The choices made by these free moral creatures must be respected
Just a quick word on death: All the free moral creatures were made to have the ability to enjoy fellowship with their eternal creator forever. Hence, their consciousness will never cease. Free moral creatures get to choose where and in whose company they get to experience eternity.
Without violating these principles, God has penetrated the world of men and dealt with man in slightly different modes of interaction during the various dispensations.
Each dispensation, or time period ends in man's failure, God's Judgment, & a new beginning.
Island Man
Do not eat poisonous plants
And how exactly did the first humans centuries ago, happening upon a plant producing delicious-looking berries determine that it was poisonous? How do they make that determination without a life being lost?
What kind of sadistic God would make plants for food and invite man to eat of them all, then make some of them poisonous? Answer that.
Theists love to point to the beautiful things in the natural world as evidence of a loving creator. But there's also lots of ugly sadisitic things in the natural world too. Theists conveniently turn a blind eye to these.
Theists conveniently turn a blind eye to these.
No, many don't. The fate of the earth and man are inseparably linked since Adam was to preside over the earth. When Adam chose to be cursed, the earth was cursed as well.
Christians look to the historical facts of the resurrection as opposed to death. They look to the wonders of creation and look to the time when the curse on the earth will be lifted.
Our greatest gift from God is the ability to choose. We can look at death and fallen creation; or we can choose looking toward the resurrection life of Jesus and the curse being lifted off the earth. The choice is ours. God gives us what we want. Instead of imaging ourselves as victims, we can choose to see the victory wrought at the cross.
And there shall be no more curse: but the
throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; - Rev. 22
smiddy - "The Christian GOD / Old Testament GOD, one and the same right?"
Not according to the Gnostics.
The God of Perry's bible is a vindictive, cruel and sadistic being.
He has allowed billions of people to be born, suffer sickness and indignities, all for the sake of what?His "namesake", and his imaginary fight with an imaginary foe, Satan.
Religion and the Bible only makes sense when seen as constructs created by people in the past, and carried forward, as a way to explain why we are here on the face of this earth, and as a way to put meaning into our lives.We live in an age when we can see how we reached the physical state we have, no need to invent imaginary sky persons.
We aren't born in sin, we don't need forgiveness.
We don't need saving, except from religious viewpoints like Perry's. -
I prefer as Perry says we have choices. Also we have come a very long way in the medical community many people survive cancer today because of cancer research had my cancer occurred 20 years earlier the survival rate was far less. We still have a long way to go but we have made tremendous progress in curing some forms of cancer.
I will also point out the progress we have made in bringing babies into this world. Thirty-five years ago because I had a doctor who was not doing his job and paying close enough attention to my health, I delivered a baby who only weighed 1 1/2 lbs he did not live. Eighteen months ago I was blessed with the sweetest little granddaughter who only weighed 1 1/2 lbs. The difference was her mom was in total distress and the doctor took the baby from her nearly 3 months early and allowed the NICE finish the process. Now both my grand babies have a healthy mom and both children are doing extremely well. The Medical community has advanced a long way. All those things you listed hopefully maybe the next generation will solve.
Just look at life expectancy over the years it just keeps getting longer.
And most definitely I always look for the positive in every situation even the worst situation has got to have something positive about it. The worst situation also has a humous element somewhere to make you laugh. When you think about the negative you will become depressed which in turn can make you physically unhealthy. Always look for the good that comes out of any event or situation.