Few things draw my interest as much as people on this board who talk about the elders, the insidious little toadies who lurk around Kingdom Halls, the proverbial big fish in little ponds. It amazes me the terror and the veneration they inspire, as well as the occasional ridicule.
It makes me wonder how they're selected and whether most of them come into the position with a sense of power, entitlement, authority and control, or whether many of them are pretty nice people and that I'm just hearing about the bad apples? From what I gather, they can counsel you regarding your personal life, scripture and its application, but that it would be improper to treat them as equals in the congregation. In other words, they can give you counsel on how to dress, groom yourself, the type of after shave to use, what to read, think and so forth, even how to interpret scripture and the articles in the WATCHTOWER, but it would not be proper to give them counsel in the same areas, right?
What happens if you're friends with a guy and he's appointed an elder? Is he ordained? How does your relationship change, if at all? And who do they report to? I've seen the organizational chart and its difficult to figure out. What if you're of the anointed class? Aren't you technically part of the Faithful and Discreet Slave (of which the GB is a part)? In other words, can elders still counsel the anointed class? How does that work?
Finally, do you call these elders "brother" or do you use their title?