How do you deal with the smoke?
by compound complex 44 Replies latest jw friends
I can't believe people throw wood-chip all over their garden. Not only is it annoying (blows everywhere, gets in the lawn etc...) but it looks crap a week after it's been down and it is also basically tinder to capture any embers that float down and lead a nice path of fire to your home.
There's not much you can do about the smoke - keep doors and windows closed, try not to be out when it's bad, enjoy the breeze when it blows the right way.
compound complex
Thanks, Simon, for the observation. I hadn't even thought about the obvious hazard wood chips are. Some clients have me raking up leaves from live oaks, which never stop falling. They're not so live when they hit the ground.
Yes, when the breeze blows the right way.
I had cats and dogs galore to care for this last weekend and wondered if we got an evacuation order how I'd get all the critters into crates and into the back of my little truck.
Oh, well, not this time, at least!
Coco - I hope they're getting it contained by now. I noticed smoke going to so cal last weekend - not good!
Be safe!
Fires of that magnitude can be so fierce and deadly ,I don`t envy your situation CoCo .Take care and stay safe and if you have to evacuate at any time do not make the mistake of leaving it to the last minute as some unfortunates do.
edit to add : My heart bleeds for the poor wildlife that get burnt and destroyed when fires rage through forests { apart from the human sufferings } Here in Australia their was a classic photo of a firefighter giving a Koala a drink out of a water bottle after it survived a bushfire .i wish I could show it .
compound complex
Thanks so much, LV101 and smiddy3, for your kind and reassuring words. They are appreciated.
Yesterday, the skies cleared up considerably, but today they are the worst yet. Temps have dropped.
Bill Covert
I am in Redding . Last Thursday the fire moved with a speed and intensity rarely seen by firemen, right in to the city.
I listened to GM parts man tell someone that it was Armageddon. Another parts man went through the evacuation from sheriffs loudspeakers say "get out now" when the fire was on the other side of canyon, of which he said he was truly scarred.
Actually I am headed out right now to work on a utility truck in the fire zone.
A bit of history; the area burnt is covered with "manzanita" brush, burns REAL hot. the area was de nuded of vegetation by copper smelters over a hundred years ago. Just another example of man's foot prints on the earth.
Hey CoCo- The smoke out where Mrs. Flipper and me are at has subsided substantially this morning. Yesterday it was so smoky it was ridiculous. Reason for that was all the small spot fires that started up- a couple way down south in El Dorado County , also a couple small ones here. I even heard there was a 1,500 acre fire in the valley . And that's on top of the huge fires in 3 different spots in Northern California further north at 120,000 acres & 95, 000 acres. That's a hell of a lot of particulates being put into the air in California. And I'm not even including the Yosemite fire at what ? 60,000 acres ? No wonder it's so smoky ! Ick.
I chatted with some dear friends of mine this weekend who came close to eating their lunch and losing their house, but they were fortunate some hot shot fire crews living in their neighborhood dug trenches on their own around the perimeter of the whole neighborhood and saved everybody . So it shows what civil, decent people can do for one another in the face of adversity ! Take care buddy, stay safe ! And tell all your neighbors to put out their cigarette butts ! I'm doing that out here as we have some backwoods mountain folks who don't think twice about flicking cigarette butts out their car windows into grass on the sides of roads. All it takes is one still lit cigarette and boom ! We could have a 40,000 acre fire in 1 day. It is THAT dry out here in California. Hang in there CoCo, stay safe. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Flipper- I've been waiting to hear if the fire was near your area, glad to hear it didn't effect your area too much.