SHIRLEY- Hey thanks my dear friend, I appreciate your kind concern. Yeah, the bad fires have been further North, West, and South of where we live and so many people in those areas have suffered terribly. 6 deaths alone in the Redding, California Carr fire with about 1,000 buildings or homes lost. 2 deaths in the Yosemite fire. Hundreds of thousands of burned acres. The Carr fire alone has burned over 150 square miles. Freaking awful. Anybody driving the 3 hour drive on Hwy. 299 from Redding through the mountains to the coastal town of Eureka on the Pacific ocean - will now be seeing at least an hours worth of scalded and burnt out land from Redding to Weaverville now. Just makes you sick. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
How do you deal with the smoke?
by compound complex 44 Replies latest jw friends
Bill Covert
Article in Sat. paper. The "Carr" fire tornado spun 143 mph winds, 35,000-foot-tall plume per National Weather Service. Yes the ash from that night had pieces of tree bark. They are thinking this is the largest fire tornado in Calif. history and perhaps the strongest ever recorded.
Could the WTB&TS 'spin' this as part of the last days?
compound complex
Thanks, Bill, Shirley, and Flipper:
The skies are actually blue today, yet I woke up to an ash-covered truck this morning. I'm trying to go about the day's business, but with a heavy heart. On my way out from my dog sitting job, I will drive by a burnt-out hillside that I could fairly touch: last October's scare that could have wiped out my gated community.
Please be safe, all.
Coco - blue skies/good news! Great to hear you/re safe! I couldn't take those fires - flash floods in my area are too much at times (we're having a tough El Nino summer of storms) but too many fires in northern, beautiful, California -- scary.
Keep care!
I retract -- I could take those fires to live in Monterey! Day time temps 70 degrees and eves at 50 - perfect! I understand why people love northern California. I was always partial to so cal because of the beautiful beach areas - I still love those same beach areas and would be there 24/7, if possible - but I do appreciate no cal.
compound complex
Thanks, LV101, for the good thoughts!
I miss the Monterey Bay area, where I grew up. Hated the fog then but would love it now.
Where I used to fish:
Coco -- so serene and beautiful. What a soft sunset and love those cypress trees/shrubbery. You sure grew up in a beautiful area - you should make painting of your picture.
LV reports poor air quality today because of your beautiful state's wild fires -- time to flee to the beach.
compound complex
Yes, LV101 -- FLEE!
Bill Covert
COC I just got back from the Carr fire area . between Redding and Whiskeytown Lake just devastation. I went to the Leweston road to work on a low bed. There was some fire burning by the road, evidently it made it to a 1/4 mile of Leweston and they think that part of the fire line will hold. lots and lots of powerline trucks planting new power poles. quite a sight. A lot of heat put off by the manzanita bushes.
I can't imagine the smoke -- it's definitely blowing this way! The LV folks are complaining since Thursday about blurred vision and burning eyes if outside for any amount of time playing golf, walking early AM, etc. Mt. Charleston/Spring Mountain range views are blurred out today. Can't imagine what it's like in California.