
by Beanie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beanie

    While still a jw, I used to think the wtbs stance on masturbation (self abuse) was a bit sus. Did anyone else feel the same?

    Anyway, after a little research I found this hilarious website which now makes it all look so ridiculous. Click here for the webpage. It is really worth a look at. Especially if you feel like a bit of a laugh.

    In hindsight, you have to wonder what this sort of information is doing to many teenagers/adults who are taught that it is so wrong.


  • nilfun

    Hello? Am I reading this correctly? Adam and Eve did not have sex because they were too busy working?

    So here’s Adam, working his butt off. Then one day, Jehovah shows him Eve, a perfect woman, and he exclaims, "At last, bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh"-- and what does he say next?...

    "Grab a shovel honey, we got work to do!"

    Are we to assume that Adam never popped a boner? If he did, how did he get rid of it when he saw Eve’s sweet booty bending over in the garden? Did they sleep together? Did he ever wake up with morning wood? He didn’t poke her ONCE?! Man, if this is true, ADAM IS MY HERO!!!


  • zucker

    When I really believed the wt, I tired to stop masturbating many a time. Man what a perpetual series of letdowns. I think I got up to like a 5 days as master of my domain, and then started to get really crabby. If I didn't wank I would feel like I had 5 bottles of jolt cola, and if I did I would feel bad that I didn't please god. This stuff about masturbation is such bs!

  • Abaddon

    Beanie, thanks, it's a great link and there's more, with 'Naughty' and 'Nice' Versions!

    The Reader's Comments are great, and I love the title of the article "8lowjobs & 8utt£ucking"!

  • funkyderek

    I think my record was two weeks. One thing I miss from those guilt-addled days was the intensity of the experience when I finally succumbed after a long dry spell.

  • gitasatsangha

    the WT tried to control all aspects of a person's life. Remember that green "Family Life" book? I recall it even had the approved position for copulation listed in it somewhere. It involved both members laying on their sides facing each other. Sounds too complicated and difficult for me, but maybe that is just me. I actually wish I still had that book so I could find the quote.

  • rocketman

    Shows just how controlling they are (or try to be).

  • SpunkyChick

    Wacking off is the best stress reliever, especially with a good porn. All those witnesses don't know what their missing!!

  • JH

    I think about it two times a day since the last 28 years. Make the calculation. Now you know why I eat alot, and don't gain weight.

  • Beanie

    Wacking off is the best stress reliever, especially with a good porn. All those witnesses don't know what their missing!!

    The thing is I think that most witnesses are wacking off. - Especially the elders after a juicy judicial committee meeting.

    The thing that disturbs me is what this is doing to some peoples heads. Imagine all of the "youth" who are desperately trying to pray so as to stop their wicked urges.


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