Watch Tower PA sues Russia in DC district over confiscation of Bethel

by Corney 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I thought the WTBTS had already lost its assets before the current iteration of the Ukrainian conflict, so not sure what standing they have to recover any of it because the seizure was due to legitimate concerns about child abuse, blood doctrine for children etc. I think they indeed see a chance that Russia will default due to the current situation, but given their conviction pre-dates any sanctions, a judge shouldn’t give them. Would be similar to people being able to recover losses in the Russian involvements in Georgia or Afghanistan just because ‘we don’t like Russia today’

  • Corney

    Unsurprisingly, Russia didn't default, and the first defendant, the Almazov Center, appeared in a court. It's represented by Kevin Arthur Meehan and Juan Otoniel Perla from Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP, a prominent international litigation firm with clients like Argentina, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Spain, Turkmenistan, UAE, Venezuela etc.

    Anony Mous, your post, as always, makes no sense.
  • Riley

    I use to work in the account receivable in the construction industry and the first thing I learned from the company lawyer is if you couldn’t collect that bill, don’t waste your time. The legal process takes so much time and money and most importantly emotion that it isn’t worth it.

    The idea of suing the Russian government is nothing but a dog and pony show and a terrible waste of your donations. If you wanna do something useful, why don’t you try and help some Russian or Ukrainian refugees out? I have no respect for nonsense like this.

  • KerryKing

    How much suffering are they causing the rnf indirectly by pi!ss!ng off the Russian state this way?

    It's like Malawi all over again. Makes my blood boil!

  • TonusOH

    I doubt it pisses Russia off that much; they probably don't even notice it. As a sovereign nation, they can laugh off a lawsuit by a relatively tiny religious group that they've already been persecuting for years. This comes off as grandstanding. It's the equvalent of an online petition, for all the good that it will do.

  • NotFormer

    TonusOH, it might piss them off if it threatens financial assets held offshore that they were hoping to one day be able to use again. "Follow the money" works with high control nations as well as high control religions.

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