Not the Author of Confusion

by Coded Logic 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    I honestly don't see how the inspirations of Bach and Michelangelo make religion any less full of crap.

    People used to build highly detailed and intricate models showing how the Earth was the center of our solar system. But such creativity doesn't make geocentrism any less bogus.

    And who knows what far more beautiful work Bach or Michelangelo might have produced had their minds not been vandalized by the small mindedness of religion.

  • prologos

    CD: "I honestly don't see how the inspirations of Bach and Michelangelo make religion any less full of crap. ---

    The one does not rule out the other, but There is less confusion (since this the theme), more harmony in Bach et al then in Hindemith, the modern painters,, the writers, that pride themselves in their own advancement.

  • Crazyguy
    Great post and so true. I could never understand this idea that God had allowed suffering to prove we need him either. Doesn't make any sence, if any diety showed up and started acctually helping mandkind people would start worshipping him and giving praises. No need to make people suffer especially just because some ignorant naked young woman eats an apple.
  • prologos

    CL: "--And who knows what far more beautiful work Bach or Michelangelo might have produced had their minds not been vandalized by the small mindedness of religion.

    Remember that great work was done often in hiding the facts by people stuck in undesirable religious situations. : Kopernikus of Heliocentrism fame, --catholic priestN Johan Kepler of eliptical orbit & orbital velocity formulae fame, --disfellowshipped protestant bible student. Isaac newton, --secret anti-trinitarian, end-time calculator.


    now that even closet deists steer away from admitting belief in creation, let us see what soul-lifting art will emerge.

  • smiddy

    Christians cherry pick the positive things Jesus Christ says , and his followers attribute to him and his teachings in the Bible , however they conveniently ignore the negative things he says and his followers attribute to him and his teachings in the Bible.

    It`s all in the Bible to see Bible students.

    Last count I heard their were over 40,000 christian sects ,and obviously some are offshoots of C.T.Russell`s  early movement and the Jehovah`s Witness religion , especially in the Phillpines .


  • Ruby456

    it's like you pick up a stone and there are hundreds underneath - in the end it is a question of what you want - one stone or hundreds. I prefer hundreds, even millions

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    it's like you pick up a stone and there are hundreds underneath - in the end it is a question of what you want - one stone or hundreds. I prefer hundreds, even millions

    I'm so confused

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