Hi strawman, nice to meet you. I'm still curious about that question I've asked a couple of times now.
How does "universe has a cause" equate to Yahweh and not some other equally improbable deity?
by Perry 160 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi strawman, nice to meet you. I'm still curious about that question I've asked a couple of times now.
How does "universe has a cause" equate to Yahweh and not some other equally improbable deity?
Perry has a sovereign savior and no matter how much you try and tell him his savior is an imaginary figure drawn out from ancient mythology, he will argue until your both blue in the face.
Resolution ....... don't argue with him.
"If you were walking in the woods and found a large wooden carved artwork in the shape of a peacock with some doodle bugs crawling around on it. What would be the simplest explanation to explain its existence?
A. The unconscious doodle bugs did it?
B. A conscious person did it?
The doodle bugs are far simpler than a man, but are not the simplest explanation." - Perry
We have seen people carving things and we have seen peacocks and we understand that people create art. Therefore when we see all of this together it is logical to conclude a conscious person did it.
No one has seen a god or witnessed a divine creation or indeed have any need of this type of explanation to explain what is around us. Therefore you are committing a logical fallacy by concluding that logically a divine being is behind all we see.
It is, unfortunately, becoming very obvious that you do not understand the meaning of the words you are using in the context you are using them. More, your argumentation is confused (as seen with your doodle bug comment above), your logic is flawed (numerous logical fallacies in virtually every post where you mention logic) and it is clear that from your copy and pastes that you do not understand the science behind some of those things you post (they actually contradict what you are positing rather than validating it).
"The doodlebugs did it? That's my final answer, Alex."
We have seen people carving things and we have seen peacocks and we understand that people create art. Therefore when we see all of this together it is logical to conclude a conscious person did it.
No one has seen a god or witnessed a divine creation
AND, you have seen causes for effects. In fact, that's all you or anyone else has EVER seen. Why disregard this when it forces you to abandon Materialism?
If you want to believe what amounts to "doodle bugs" carving a wooden peacock. Fine, I don't personally have a problem with that. But your belief is utterly baseless and without precedent. Ever.
You believe a giant super doodle-bug carved the universe. Seem's more far-fetched than a wooden peacock to me. Isn't God more complex that a wooden peacock? Which doodle-bug carved him? And what the hell is a doodle-bug?
Listening to theists try to argue that everything needs a beginning is hilarious.
Once you accept a cause beyond our space/time universe Occams razon doesn't apply. The simplest explanation is that space and time were manipulated as opposed to waiting around for 14 billion years.
Think of when you are looking for a particular scene in a movie that you wish to replay to show someone. You can certainly start from the beginning and make your guest wait an hour until the scene emerges, or you could just hit the Fast Forward button.Which is the simplest course of action, assuming the technology?
This is called magical thinking with no basis in any observable facts. JWs specialize in these types of explanations.