Thanks for the welcome.
Prologos, Perry's quote that I was responding to is on page 5 of this thread.
don’t believe the billions of years characterization of the universe. 17 times
God says that he manipulated space and time to “stretch” out the heavens.
action is consistent with someone with the power and intelligence to create
space and time in the first place.
the master inventor of space and time says he did it in 6 days; I believe him.”
My reply is more from the
thought of the distortion of reality of such a ludicrous claim. There has
obviously been no thinking out of the logistics in the light of physics.
To demonstrate, Perry claims
that the universe was ‘stretched out’ during the 6 days of creation. If all
matter was collected at one point on the first day, and stretched to its
current position of approximately 14 billion light years (although
mathematicians anticipate that it could now be as much as 45 billion light
years, accounting for cosmic inflation), over the subsequent 6 days, matter
that we can see at the edge of the universe would have to have travelled at an
average speed of just over 27,006 light years per second.
This means that it would have
taken a little under 4 seconds for these distant objects to travel the distance
of the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy. Light only travels 186,282 miles per
second and has no mass, which makes this part of Perry’s hypothesis impossible.
Perry could get around this
by asserting that his god teleported the objects deep into space to their
presently observed position. They didn’t travel at all but were instantly
placed, or should I say, stretched there. If we give Perry this concession, the
problem would then be, how it is that we can see such objects?
For light to have travelled
from 14 billion light years away, 6000 years ago, Perry’s god would have had to
have accelerated that light to the speed of 4.436 light years per minute, every
minute, for the past 6000 years.
To put that into some kind of
practical context, the nearest star from our solar system is a distance of 4.24
light years away. It is called Proxima Centauri. The accelerated speed of
light, according to Perry’s hypothesis, means it would take just 57 seconds for
light to travel the 4.24 light years from Proxima Centauri to earth. As you can
easily ascertain, the suggested accelerated speed of light is quite dramatic to
say the least.
Even if any of this
were true, it would mean we would only just be receiving the light from those
distant parts of the universe now.
Why would Perry’s god mess
around with physics so dramatically? Why would he hide the evidence?
For me, it is no different to
the Catholic Church in relation to Galileo. To these people, belief is more
precious than truth. How else can anyone explain such illogic?
The whole claim that Perry is
postulating is very amusing when you work out the scientific ramifications of
something so ludicrous.