Toronto Meetup Needs One More!

by timxcampbell 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • timxcampbell

    Since the Meetup site started requiring five people for a Meetup to take place, we haven't had a single ex-JW meetup. Well, we've got four so far, but we need one more in the next day or two!

    If you're in Toronto (or nearby) and you can make it to 4 King Street West this Saturday at 5:00 PM, please go to the Meetup site at



    Hi there, I have yet to get to one. I have always clicked: "YES" - but then it is cancelled.

    Hopefully, this time, it'll work. The weather is certainly not a factor these days.

    Hope it's a positive meet-up if it is. If it's a bible discussion, then it'll be my first/last meet-up.

    Otherwise, I hope to meet up with some xjws.

  • Aztec

    Hey Ray! I may make it to one now that I have a car! I'm planning on getting out to see Canada sometime this summer and I'd love to see Toronto! ~Aztec

    RAYZORBLADE goes! This time it has not been cancelled. I have NO idea how this meet-up thing is going to go.

    This will be my first time to meet-up with XJWs in this fashion.

    I tend to go into such ambiguity with some suspect and skepticism.

    I'll let you know how it goes. I may be good for me, or it may not be my cup of tea.

    Won't know unless I go.

    1 hour and 33 minutes to go.

  • Aztec

    So Ray, did ya go? I went to the one in Detroit! I got to hang out with outnfree and pettygrudger (and a few others who do not post here)! It's usually the same group but I'm getting to really enjoy spending time with these people. I would encourage anyone to go to these meetups because it is a great way to meet people face to face that can understand some of what you've been through. ~Aztec

  • pettygrudger

    Ah carrie - you know that's only because you ARE the LIFE of the party (you, brenda & Jan - I LOVE you guys!!!)

    Seriously though - We were having the same problems here in Michigan - but Brenda came up with an amazing solution - start a thread & interconnect w/others & go anyways - even IF the ex-meet-up SAYS its cancelled - just disregard the notice.

  • Jourles

    Dang, I need to go to one of the meetups. The only MI meetups I go to are the ones when Outnfree comes to see her daughter. And I think that was once??? Still waiting for Lutece to show up sometime and Hillbilly to make it to breakfast again at Cracker Barrel.

  • Aztec

    You know you can come and hang out with me anytime J! ;) Rhonda! I love hanging out with you too! :) You, my dear, are the life of the party, not me. :) ~Aztec


    Well folks...I went.

    My anticipation was one of indifference initially. I didn't know what to expect, and I did not hold my hopes up.

    I arrived at the chosen place. There was a sign at the back of the cafe. I got a large coffee, and proceeded towards where the sign had been posted. As I got closer, I noticed that there was a small area off to the side with a large table, and on it: XJW sign. I knew I had found them.

    Tim, who began this thread, was there, and he greeted me, introducing himself along with one other person. Tim also has a website, just in case anyone is interested: - some of you may be familiar with it.

    A bit later, another person showed up.

    Anyways, it was upbeat, positive, and nothing close to the 'worse case scenario'. It was actually quite decent. The other people who attended (2 others) were wonderful to meet. One gentleman is only recently inactive. The other person has been away for a lot longer, and has had many years with the WTBTS. It was nice to meet them all. The conversation was easy going, informative, enlightening, no-pressure, and overall, very welcoming.

    So, anyone who wanted to know what Rayzorblade looks like, you missed your chance . If anyone had any preconceived notions of what the Meet-Ups are like, I can tell you, from at least my experience, it was absolutely FINE! I was very comfortable and would have liked to have remained, but I had to work, so...I had to excuse myself earlier than I would have liked to.

    Any interested parties, if you get the Meet-up invite, please give it a go. It's not bad at all. Of course, I've heard of some rather interesting characters showing up at the venues, but I think that it would be the exception, not the rule. was not a bible study, book please...people...relax. But if you have questions and need some association with other xjws, then this is a good place for starters. Of course, this forum is absolutely helpful and provides a wealth of knowledge and many great participants.

    Thanks Aztec for encouraging me to go. It was great!

    Looking forward to the meet-up in June.

    Best wishes, Rayzorblade

  • lollydawdle

    Glad you went and it was a positive experience, Rayzorblade! I've been wanting to go but am skittish about it as I'm not df'd or da'd, so if anyone saw me there - I WOULD be! LOL - My question is were there any women, or was it all men? I wouldn't likely go if it were just men meeting. I wouldn't feel comfortable. I've met Frank socially before, but don't know any of the others. I've tried to encourage mouthy (my dear friend) to go, but it's really too far for her to travel at night. Anyway, glad you had a great 1st impression! I'm going to PA in Oct. with mouthy and I can't wait!!!

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