Toronto Meetup Needs One More!

by timxcampbell 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • outnfree

    (((((((Aztec & Pettygrudger)))))))))))! You guys rock!!!!!!

    For jourles, larc, obiwan, hillbilly, lutece, hmmm, etc., etc. (jourles -- I thought of you when we moved out on Friday, but didn't have the foresight to set something up beforehand. We had lunch at IHOP), the next Meet-Up will likely NOT be at the assigned place, so if you would like to attend, e-mail me a few days beforehand and I will send you the details. These have been held the first weekend of each month, so an e-mail around the 28th or so would be great.

    We are also thinking of setting up a private e-mail group list for these events, so if anyone would like to be included, contact me as well.

    And now, back to prom decorations. The sphinxes need to be painted, and I've spent too much time here already!



  • Jourles
    I've been wanting to go but am skittish about it as I'm not df'd or da'd, so if anyone saw me there - I WOULD be!

    Lollydawdle, I am in the same position as you but I went for it last summer and attended my first "Mini-Apostafest" in Detroit. I also still attend the meetings off and on. When I first showed up at the 'fest, I was nervous as hell. My initial thoughts were of getting caught with ex-jw's and being df'd. That fear subsided quickly and the evening went very well. I got to meet some GREAT people from this board and they all were a blast to be with.

    I recommend that you go at least once to try it out. If you do not enjoy it, then you will not be forced to attend again. Simple as that.

    p.s. I didn't get df'd for going to that fest....


    Lollydawdle: there have been women who have attended in the past.

    NO ONE has to ever identify themselves. I introduced myself as: Rayzorblade (Ray). Most people, funny as it seems, know me by my JWD username.

    You can identify yourself, or go by first name. No one needs to devulge information. The fellow who moderates the meet-up is very respectful of these things. He keeps it simple, easy-going and without any intimidation.

    We were expecting one other woman, but for some reason, she did not turn up.

    Yes, it'd be a blast if we could get Mouthy there, but it is a fair ways away. But maybe after my post and positive experience, any lurkers from the Toronto-area, will give it a go.

    Tim tries to keep it warm and welcoming.

    Hope to meet more people from the Toronto-area.


    Here is a photo of me (side profile) with another attendee.

    It's just me that is not pixelated. I'm the one with the almost shaved head and wearing glasses.

  • Sunspot

    At this point in time, I wouldn't have any qualms about going to one of these Meetups! I'm in such a remote area, I can't drive, and I have a handicapped child to care for; so things look a bit grim for me a far as a Meetup goes!

    I don't even KNOW of anyone in a 50 mile radius that is DFed or DAed, and I don't have a clue how to find out!

    The pictures I've seen posted on here of the different gatherings, LOOK like everyone is having such a great time! We can all connect on such a personal level that is unique to Ex-WTS slaves! Maybe in time, more will come out of the woodwork in my area, and we could see about arranging something.

    I'm glad it worked out so nicely for you Rayz!



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