PIMA is best so it’s not a shock to the system if the tower collapsed

by JohnR1975 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JohnR1975

    I know most people here are totally out and that’s fine.

    Many these days are staying physically in for the social life and that is also fine.

    I feel being fully mentally in is dangerous as it could be such a shock mentally if or should I say when the tower collapsed.

    Im sitting in the fence like so many others here. Mentally Agnostic if God exists or not and if the Bible is his word.

    When I talk to people who are physically and mentally still in I can tell that they so need it to be true. I’m worried for them when they wake up to the fact that they have been lied to 1914 wasn’t true 1975 wasn’t true 1999 wasn’t true and now here we are 2025 it’s all not true. I’m worried that mentally it’s very very dangerous and this is why many will go downhill mentally or may even take their own lives.

    Ita far as safer to be physically in for the amazing social life and the fact they are so well taken care of but mentally either out or at least agnostic leaving room for the fact that the witnesses may be true about some things and it is beneficial to live by Bible standards, possibly I don’t know for sure.

    It’s a paradox because some PIMIs are so genuinely happy due to beliefs that are not true. But they have this hope so real that they are happy now because they genuinely believe the Bibles promises.

    The same can be said for many other belief systems, Buddhist and Islam beliefs if they are fully indoctrinated they are happy believing something that is not true.

    its very dangerous though if you wake up before you die then its very hard to cope with the fact that you believed something that wasn’t true all your life.

    this is why I think either PIMA or POMA is safest

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Are your PIMI friends fully aware of your agnostic thoughts ?

  • no-zombie

    I think whats been said is true for the many of belief systems people have.

    For example ..

    Believing the your government works for your best interests.

    Believing that your superannuation funds (401k for Americans) are safe.

    Believing that spouse could never cheat on you.

    These are all held strongly in place ... until it has obviously fallen apart.

    Its just a weakness that most people have, to default to a pattern of ignorance, because its easier (mentally, emotionally, physically and financially) than planning for a bad outcome.

  • moomanchu

    It's the ole red pill, blue pill dilema.

    I personally want to be fully awake and know the truth. Red pill all the way!

    I would classify myself as POMA but not agnostic to the JW belief system, agnostic to the Christian belief system. With that said, I also want to believe the mainstream Christian faith. What else is there? I don't believe we just randomly developed out of amino acids.

    Every JW reaches a fork in the road where they have the ole red pill, blue pill dilema. I've seen it happen several times, friends and close family members. Usaully they take the blue pill which is the least path of resistance and problems. In the end though it is the wrong choice and causes more problems.

  • Balaamsass2

    Depends on your character and convictions. Some folks don't mind living a double life or belonging to criminal groups or selling harmful substances. Dealing drugs, joining the mafia, big tobacco, and Watchtower all have many members.

  • Magnum
    I'm sitting in the fence like so many others here. Mentally Agnostic if God exists or not and if the Bible is his word.

    I'm in that category.

    the amazing social life and the fact they are so well taken care of

    Huh??? The JWs I was with for decades were a drain on me - at least in the later years (the smart ones I knew left). They were intellectually lacking, self-righteous, and mostly ignorant. It was a chore to me to go to JW gatherings. I've been completely out for a good ten years and havn't missed any of it for one second (my wife hasn't, either). I miss the hope I once had and the feeling of security, but not anything social. I hated meetings, the ministry, etc. Meetings were a total waste of time. I often think what I could have accomplished with all those thousands of hours sitting at mind-numbing meetings - what I could have studied and learned, etc. Hell, I could be a master of Mandarin Chinese now (always wanted to learn that and recently saw a job opening that requires it).

  • Jalisco

    let's forget about 1914, 1975, the 144,000 and all the strange doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even if one no longer believes in these, it does not mean that we no longer have the problem of salvation, of the existence of God, of Jesus Christ dead and resurrected and all that it implies. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Let's start again from the oldest Christian creed. The apostolic symbol..

    *Apostolic symbol*

    "I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth

    and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,

    who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,

    suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried;

    he descended into Hades; on the third day he rose from the dead;

    he ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty:

    from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit,

    the holy universal Congregation, the Communion of Saints,

    the forgiveness of sins,

    the resurrection in flesh

    the life everlasting. Amen.»*


    *"The holy universal Congregation (ecclesia), the communion of believers."*

    The Congregation (Ecclesia in Greek) is the people that God raises up for himself in the New Testament

    "He came to his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in his name." John 1:11,12.

    In the Old Testament, God formed his people through birth in the people of Israel, unique, special and center of God's promises. This condition could be lost because of the various transgressions of the law given by God to the people through Moses.

    Today he invites all those who voluntarily wish to join him to be part of this people. There is only one condition: to welcome Jesus as a personal Savior. Whoever proceeds in this way becomes part of the people of God: the Church, and will never cease to belong to it. We note the superiority of our situation compared to the people of God of the Old Testament.

    By affirming that it is universal, we recognize that it was instituted by Jesus, that it is and will be one in all centuries (it reaches the whole history of humanity), for the reunion and perfection of the saints.

    The Congregation, by the will of God, is divided into various organizations called confessions, churches or missions.

    These, if they have a creed in conformity with the historic Christian faith, which is the biblical faith, which requires that admission to its communion be the same as that which Christ requires for salvation, and if they proceed in conformity with that creed and subordinate their authority to that of the Word of God, which is the Bible, are true congregations of Christ, notwithstanding the differences in the form of government or in matters not essential to the faith, which have motivated their existence in different organizations.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The problem you state is that you believe people are truly happy. I have not known a single JW that isn’t in some shape or form dealing with depression or other issues. How can you be truly happy when you believe 99.9% of people in the world, most if not all people at work and school, some if not most of your family will be destroyed and should otherwise not be associated with. That hot guy, sorry, not a JW, can’t even talk to him, your own parents, sorry, not a JW, better be careful, people in the hall, better walk on eggshells so you don’t have to offend or put yourself in a position where people question you.

    People pretend to be happy in a lot of situations, JW can honestly not be happy if they follow the rules of association strictly. I recently commented to someone else, the first time in my life that I was truly happy was when I was on a path of leaving and doing things “I wasn’t supposed to” but you still deal with the guilt. It wasn’t until a few years later I truly dumped the entire thing and truly was happy. If, like me, you grew up in that environment, you don’t even know what happiness is until you step out. You can make yourself believe a lot of things, I tried the whole PIMA thing, it gives you some relief against the duality inside you, but you cannot know what it’s like until you’re completely out.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    "you don’t even know what happiness is until you step out"

    Yep, that bit right there!


  • KerryKing

    Once I realised that the Kingdom of God is a way of living in the here and now, by loving yourself and loving your fellow as yourself.

    That one statement is actually so far reaching, that if everyone lived by it, it would transform this earth completely

    You wouldn't rob, rape, injure, abuse, poison yourself when you love yourself. It has to begin with self love.

    Yet Christian religions generally prefer to preach self hatred, punishment, disgust, belief that we are inherently damaged and sinful, and WT favourite of 'self sacrifice', a phrase that doesn't even appear anywhere in their guidebook, the Bible.

    Hence people in general equate self love with selfishness, indulgence, being self absorbed, and therefore often self harming by unhealthy living, running themselves into the ground putting others way ahead of themselves etc. There is no balance.

    2000 years ago a peasant was attributed with that teaching about love, and they called him the Son of God. Whether you believe that bit or not doesn't make that statement 'Love your neighbour as yourself' any less powerful, it is the simplest, straight to the heart of mankind's troubles, sentence ever uttered and written.

    It is up to us to embody that concept in our everyday life, God-dess, the Universe, Evolution, Consequences will take care of the rest.

    But it has to begin in us.

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