PIMA is best so it’s not a shock to the system if the tower collapsed

by JohnR1975 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TonusOH

    JohnR1975: Ita far as safer to be physically in for the amazing social life and the fact they are so well taken care of

    I have to agree with the others: if you think JWs enjoy an amazing social life and are well taken care of, then you really need to get out and discover what it's like to have an actual social life and true personal and financial security. Most JWs are trapped in a kind of social hell that they have to pretend is normal so that they don't go insane.

  • 3rdgen

    The only truly happy still in JWs I know are what a friend and I call "Jet Set" witnesses.

    They several things in common:

    #1 They have plenty of money. They inherited it or ignored the endless counsel to "put Kingdom interests first" during their earning years.

    #2 They are fun-loving. No Debbie Downers allowed.

    #3 They ONLY travel, party, and closely associate with people who keep their MOUTHS SHUT about "questionable conduct" within the group.

    #4 They are in reasonably good or better health.

  • jhine

    KerryKing what Christian religions are you familiar with ? So often on here l read descriptions of religion that l just don't recognise.

    In order to love your neighbour as you love yourself firstly you have to love yourself . My religion tells me to be kind , to take care of the widows and orphans , to strive for justice and peace .

    Which is just as it should be.

    Jan from Tam

  • Mikejw
    6 hours ago
    It’s a social club at this point and for the older Witnesses there just coasting, that’s fine for them.

    It’s a social club for everyone these days. The young ones only stay for the friends in the cong.

    we are all just coasting even the elders it’s easy being JWlite! You could turn upto any meeting and give any part with zero preparation. It’s all just videos and q&a!

    its been compared to being a Trekkie or similar

    you may not like Star Trek anymore but still go to events to see the people you have known for years.

    you know Star Trek is fictional but its nice fictional and maybe some tiny parts may have a even tinier slithering of a resemblance of truth in the future

  • Mikejw
    3rdgen17 hours ago
    The only truly happy still in JWs I know are what a friend and I call "Jet Set" witnesses.
    They several things in common:
    #1 They have plenty of money. They inherited it or ignored the endless counsel to "put Kingdom interests first" during their earning years.
    #2 They are fun-loving. No Debbie Downers allowed.
    #3 They ONLY travel, party, and closely associate with people who keep their MOUTHS SHUT about "questionable conduct" within the group.
    #4 They are in reasonably good or better health.

    Yes all those things are to be encouraged with JWlite!

    there is a 90 days sanction (rest basically) if you are caught celebrating birthdays or something and you are not repentant. If you say sorry and you agree with the GB nothing will happen.

    if you say you don’t quite agree with the GB on this and you are not sorry then the 90 things comes into play.

    what this means is there will be an announcement that so and so is no longer a JW. 90 days later the elders are told to grovel and beg the person to agree to return to the congregation. The CO has to tell the elders off and ask why enough wasn’t done to get them to return with the 90 rule.

    my oh my how things have changed

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