What is the harm or downside of being PIMO?

by PimoElder 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SnakesInTheTower


    I was a PIMO elder. I lurked here for awhile at first.

    FS, I mostly played chauffeur to older ones on their magazine routes, even when I was a regular Pioneer. I was the no pressure elder, D2D I did the slow walk, worked by myself so other in the car group wouldn't have to.

    Talks, I made them my own. As a MTS grad, I knew what I could get by with. After being removed as an elder, I changed congos, faded 8 months, and stopped going.

    The mental toll of being PIMO was not healthy. I could have fought the elder removal, and it was BS, but it was a relief and made fading easier. Never was DF. LOL


  • PimoElder

    I don’t want to fade, I like many many like all the good things about being in the congregation

    m those of us who are PIMO enjoy all the good food and social life without being disappointed when Armageddon still hasn’t come when we get old

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    /\ /\ you posted that already on the other thread.

  • DesirousOfChange


    We have a close friend who suggested that we "Just Fake It". They believe they are "using" their association in the Borg for their own benefit. Good friends. Sure they are "conditional" but as long as they see you as part of the IN group, the ones that are your friends will be there for you. If you "fade", they'll eventually abandon you. Our friend is pretty well off financially so they are in the clique with the "beautiful" JW crowd -- you know, the ones who take cruises and go out to the nice places, and wear nice clothes, and have boats and pools etc. And.....they are generally pretty "moral" people (don't debate it, you get to pick who you run around with) and thus are not crude or rude, etc.

    Frankly, we do miss that "association" thing. We had LOTS of JW friends while we were IN. But we just cannot see "faking it", even for that. I'm sure that when some dumbass thing was said in the WT Study or "Bible Study" I'd get caught rolling my eyes or I might even LOL at some of the puke they're serving up these days. Then it would be the "Back Room" ass whooping or inquisition. (I guess I'm too much of my "authentic" self?) Additionally we have discussed that we would feel guilty if others who had doubts decided to stay IN because they saw that we "believed" -- so it must be OK. (Did you have some JW's you looked up to that way?)

    But the final straw is: You have to do what is good FOR YOU.

  • NonCoinCollector

    I suppose being a PIMO Elder is all fun, games and enjoying "all the good food and social life" until you have to set in on a Judicial Committee that may involve child abuse.

  • LongHairGal


    Sounds like you had a great social life in the Witness religion.

    As a single working woman on the fringes of the congregation who didn’t do favors for Users, I was the outcast!…Maybe once in a blue moon I got together with somebody for a movie, etc. But, that’s okay because it made it easier to ‘Fade’ when the time was right.

    When I think of the OP and being PIMO and faking it, I wonder just HOW many Witnesses in any given congregation are genuine??..It doesn’t matter if they are faking it because they are afraid they will lose their family OR because they like being invited to dinners and socializing! 🙄

    I’m glad I didn’t need anybody’s food or association that badly that I had to fake an interest.

    This just underscores how phony and absurd the whole damn thing is that an unknown number of members are resorting to faking the fakery. Who wonders if it will all collapse under this BS?

  • ozziepost


    When I think of the OP and being PIMO and faking it, I wonder just HOW many Witnesses in any given congregation are genuine?

    and I wonder about the Bethelites too. I can recall many years ago, when I was ‘in’,having conversations in the corridor at the branch office about certain ‘anomalies’ in teachings - all in very hushed tones of course ! I knew at that time some leaders had doubts. They were willing to “wait on Jehovah”. What about now? I wonder.


    Ozzie 🍷

  • Magnum

    The harm is that you are supporting a deceptive, harmful, condescending cult... one that took my life... one that promised me from the time I was a small child that if I suffered and slaved and sacrificed for it, I would be rewarded greatly. I'm now 62 and was rewarded only with misery. I lived a life of misery doing what the cult instructed me to do. It ruined my life. All my family members except my wife are still in. They all think I'm evil or weak or a combination of the two because that's what the cult brainwashes them to think. That is extremely unjust to me. I'm not evil. I'm an honest, reasonable truth-seeker. I have great concern for the suffering in the world among sentient creatures - more so than JWs themselves. I'm also not weak. It took strength for me to walk away from something that had been my life for decades.

    The JW organization is lying and deceptive. It is selfish. It is concerned only with itself. The org does not love truth. It does not love light. It has a history of failed predictions, looney teachings, etc. Even if you don't mentally support it, you are implying that you do to others. Your very presence adds to the JW numbers ands gives a false impression. You and others like you are helping the org to survive. I take great offense at that and consider you to be a weak person. I could never support that organization in any way. You and I are as different as night and day.

    addendum: Your faking it is contributing to the captivity of thousands like my family members. I hold you accountable for that.

  • PimoElder

    I know you don’t like the fact that there are many of us PIMO members of congregations who like all the good things about being physically in the org.

    there are some great people and really good associations for my kids. We are all like a big family.

    I think the governing body is just as wrong to push the vaccines on all members as they were to say millions now living will never die. They do make mistakes and maybe much about JWs current teaching will prove to be wrong.

    but I still feel it’s the closest to the truth than any other.

    Its more beneficial for me to stay PIMO than to leave the cong. I have all the advantages of being in the cong, without the disadvantages of being disappointed in years to come when Armageddon still doesn’t come 🤣

  • PimoElder
    Before I get into this PimoElder can you clarify whether or not you actually are an elder?

    Yes I definitely am an elder for years now

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