What is the harm or downside of being PIMO?

by PimoElder 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    PimoElder, you are morally bankrupt in my opinion. Along with all the pedo's running around in dubland people like you are another reason I am glad I never allowed my kids anywhere near a kh!

    You seem unable to understand the 'screw everybody' else comments, can't you see that you are nothing but a user? you use the people at the kh for your own pleasure (doing odd jobs, gossip as you mentioned earlier, social activities, etc...) knowing full well ALL of that would go away if they knew how you really felt.

    What are the signs of sociopathy?

    There’s no standard list of sociopath signs, but the signs and symptoms of ASPD include a persistent pattern of disregard for others. For example:

    • ignoring social norms and laws, or breaking rules at school or work, overstepping social boundaries, stealing, stalking and harassing others, and destroying property- You are ignoring the social norms set out by the wt and break the rules set by the gb, you steal peoples time, love and money if they are taking time out of their life to help you when they could be working and/or being paid.

    • dishonesty and deceit, including using false identities and manipulating others for personal gain- Obviously you are being dishonest and deceitful while manipulating others for your own personal gain be it emotional, financial, friendship, I would add that you are unfaithful to your spouse as well, etc...

    • difficulty controlling impulses and planning for the future, or acting without considering the consequences- You are acting without considering the consequences of when people who come to you with real problems find out you are just a bullshitter so you can get your goodies in life.

    • aggressive or aggravated behavior, including frequent fights or physical conflict with others

    • disregard for personal safety, or the safety of others- How about the blood issue? spousal abuse? molestation/rape? you are disregarding the safety of the cong and the public at large.

    • difficulty managing responsibilities, including showing up at work, handling tasks, or paying rent and bills
    • little to no guilt or remorse, or a tendency to justify actions that negatively affect others- You don't appear to have any guilt about using people for your own gains and justify it.

    People with ASPD generally show little emotion or interest in the lives of others. They might:

    • come across as arrogant or superior, with firmly fixed opinions-Your an elder enough said.

    • use humor, intelligence, and charisma to manipulate-You are clearly manipulating everybody in your life.

    • seem charming at first, until their self-interest becomes clear-Self interest seems you M.O.

    People with ASPD generally find it challenging to maintain friendships, relationships, and other mutually fulfilling connections. This difficulty may stem from traits, like:

    • low empathy and emotional intelligence- you clearly do not seem to care about your spouse, kids or friends and how all of this will affect them.

    • difficulty learning from mistakes- You see the mistakes of the wt yet you have not learned anything other
    • than how you can continue with your status in the cong and how that status helps you get what you want.

    • lack of concern for the safety of others- again, the blood issue, df-ing, judicial meetings, pedophiles, getting unsuspecting people into the org, etc....
    • a tendency to intimidate and threaten in order to maintain control- you are an elder we all know how that goes.
  • DesirousOfChange

    PIMO is sure doing a lot of cutting and pasting in all the topics.

  • Magnum

    I would like to add that if you ever were a real, believing JW, you would have instructed individuals in other religions to leave their religions when they found out they were wrong no matter how much pain and suffering it would have caused them or what they would have sacrificed. JWs will, for example, tell a 90-year-old Catholic woman who's been a Catholic her entire life to leave her religion if she finds out it's wrong - even if that means leaving all her family, all her friends, her entire social life, all her support mechanisms, etc. I actually agree with the reasoning in that - that one should leave or quit something if he finds out it's wrong; that's why I left JWdom.

    The problem is that a lot of those in JWdom who wake up mentally show that they are weak; they don't practice what they preached. You believed in telling others to leave their religions when they woke up, but you won't leave yours now that you are awake. I see arrogance in that.

  • Vidiot
    I would think that one of the downsides is the feeling of ants crawling under your skin from constantly hearing misquotes, semantic pretzel-twisting, and stuff that's just plain wrong presented as irrefutable truth from the platform over and over and over and over and over and over...
  • PimoElder

    I don’t like being put in a pigeon hole

    Im a critical thinking free person I make my own mind up

    yes I still go to meetings and I even took the book study last night all about hope

    i believe that article in the material that hope is good for you medically

    I have hope but I’m not too disillusioned when Armageddon doesn’t come when I’m an old man and I’m 40!now

  • PimoElder

    I wonder if I am unique as I’m just that type Jesus said was Luke warm and he would spit me out🤣

    I think there may be God and maybe parts of it all are true, in my mind it may be true or it may not be and evolution also may be true or may not be

    Im happy in the congregation for the great things about being physically in, but maybe I’m a PIMA mentally agnostic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • nicolaou

    I have more respect for a committed Jehovah's Witness than I do for you.

    Not wasting my time on you anymore.

  • Vanderhoven7

    It's the integrity issue that bothers me. I couldn't live a lie, no matter what the benefits.

  • Judgerussellford

    The downside is being fake. I hated it. Pretending to be something I wasn't. I don't have to pretend anymore and its very freeing. But you have to take your journey at a comfortable pace. And if you never fully leave, just teach people truth in discretion

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