New member, no longer just reader...

by freemindfade 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • FayeDunaway

    Free mind, thanks for the update on the carts! Yes I'm sure they are looking back to their periods of history when they had the biggest growth percentages and trying to repeat what worked. It's a very different world now, tho. I've been curious about all the focus on their website...aren't they concerned that people who Google it, even sincerely trying to look for the official site, will see all the apostate sites listed on the same page?? I mean it's not like they can say in their literature, or on the street, 'be very careful to type the website name exactly as it appears here, or you will see lots of stuff we don't want you to see!!'

    what percentage of door to door work has been cut back to stand by the carts, do you think? 

    And yes I had noticed the extreme dumbing down of their literature. One of my sons friends had magazines on her coffee table when I went to pick him up from a play date...a witness had been by. Everything was super simple, sugar coated, positive, childlike. Don't people get around to coming to the Sunday meeting and during the study  see and hear the real version of it and say 'whoa!' 

    Freeminds, one more question for you!!! Sorry but it's been a few years since I've been keeping up, what is this joke about 'I guess we believe in the rapture now!' referring to?? And any other new doctrinal changed since 2010? I occasionally talk to my parents but they avoid any discussion of religion.

    you said most people probably have doubts but say 'where else would we go?' I know most don't turn to another religion, but I did. A tradition liberal Christian one, and you CAN have that same good community feeling, but without the judgmentalism and all the bad stuff. I've found a second family for which im so thankful. Reading the New Testament during a particular convention instead of listening to an abrasive circuit overseer was the start of it. They're stuck in the Old Testament, not embracing true gratitude for Jesus' sacrifice for our complete redemption..but instead always worried about following the rules. Pharisees, at their hearts. During meetings when I was fading I had to constantly tap my foot just to keep from screaming. I like Ding's suggestions, above. I did those things, but it was still so hard. You need to get out. I have to go read your other posts to see if the wife is making progress! My husband came out of it, but it was easier, since he didn't grow up in it and had a family outside. His father, who was dying at the time, was a wonderful man who would have given his life for us and his grandkids. During this time we went to the DC and it was the dama that said 'no one can truly love you unless they also love Jehovah.' Blatant, hurtful lie. That one helped! 

    Sorry so long!! I hope you answer my questions!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Perhaps part of the reason for the new members here is the new "songs" that were introduced to the sheeple at a recent meeting. That mess qualifies as 'ear abuse'.

  • freemindfade

    I missed that meeting, wife was pissed 

    The rapture bit that was 5 years ago, they never believed in the rapture as its defined. But all the flip flopping I don't even pay any attention to now, its a waste of time, id rather spend that time learning about physics or ancient cultures and archeology. facts, not these numerological and typical and antitypical nonsense. They are just circling the airport again and there is still nowhere to land...

    These doctrine changes are the flavor of the month, more realistically every year i guess, things get "clearer". 

    Ask any jdub who knocks on your door or who is at a cart to explain the new understanding of the generation, and I would venture to 95% would either say I'll get back to you, or two start flipping through to find an answer they could read (not understand) to you. No one knows anymore its too convoluted, and more importantly few (younger ones) care.
    9 hours ago

  • FayeDunaway
    Thanks fremind! Billy did the new songs at all compare with that 'singing kingdom melodies' tape fiasco of the mid 90's? THAT was painful to listen to!! Funny how no sister got a solo :P but they were the only decent singers!
  • MissFit

    Welcome!  Freemind, I am enjoying your thoughtful posts. Thank you for introducing yourself. It is nice to "meet" you.

    @FayeD: Welcome!  This site has a wealth of information on many subjects. Explore the search option and put a subject in.  You will be amazed at the information that you will have access to.

    Many new ones start an introductory thread. It allows the community a chance to get to "know" you and welcome you.  


  • Heaven

    Welcome FMF!

    Still with a free mind able to rationalize, question, and just think in general, sitting through a meeting is agony.

    I have to say, this hasn't changed for me. Every time I have to set foot in a KH I get the heebie-jeebies, especially  the Shelburne, ON KH. The possibility of seeing Gower Palmer (local pedophile) makes me want to hurl. I believe I've had my last visit to that KH as my father is no longer in that area (what a relief). But as family begins to die off, there are funerals that have to be attended at various other KH's in the province... sigh.

  • Vidiot

    Heaven - "Every time I have to set foot in a KH I get the heebie-jeebies."

    It's like that with me and WT talks posted online; they tend to trigger anxiety.

    I find coming here serves as a pretty effective "booster shot".

  • freemindfade
    Vidiot that is true, I no longer have anxiety though, I just feel like I'm outside sitting through total madness unaffected. It stressed me out so bad before. Now I just wait for the ridiculous, insane, and strange to happen, and look over at my wife then forward again. It's getting to the point were I think she catches the crazy before I do. So she is thinking more from my perspective and embarrassed by her religion. I fear she'd never leave it or question it though.
  • flipper
    Welcome to the board Freemindfade ! Didn't get to welcome you yet but I commented on one of your threads. Take care, glad to have you here ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
  • Vidiot

    freemindfade - "It's getting to the point were I think she catches the crazy before I do. So she is thinking more from my perspective and embarrassed by her religion. I fear she'd never leave it or question it though."

    Oh, I don't know... you said yourself that she catches the crazy before even you do, and embarrassment is a far more influencing (albeit subconscious) factor in the decision-making process than most of us realize.

    In addition (and I think many of us tend to forget this), I've observed that the decision to leave - however way it's done - is mostly affected by the steadily growing pile of little itty bitty cons (reasons to go) gradually outweighing the pile of two or three big pros (reasons to stay).

    Eventually, the scale tips; sometimes before one even consciously realizes it (also, the "pro" and "con" roles have become reversed ).

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