What do you thibnk of the Christian message as compared to JW message, both are ruled by fear aren't they? If you don't love Jehovah you will die at Armageddon, if you don't love Christ you won't go to heaven you'll go to hell. Lovely. Such an inspiring message.
The Christian Message - inspired of fear?
by Mandybp 37 Replies latest jw friends
both are ruled by fear aren't they? If you don't love Jehovah you will die at Armageddon, if you don't love Christ you won't go to heaven you'll go to hell.
IMO those statements are not the Christian message. Whatever belief system a person holds, Christian, Muslim, etc we all have one thing in common, we are all going to die regardless. Thats whats been happening forever so far, so why blag christians just because they acknowledge everyone is going to die?
The Christian message is that there is a God and why only serve him for what you can get out of him? I simply dont think you can serve a God who will kill you if you dont serve him, thats more cultic than Christian. If a person believes in Him, and that he created us and gave us life, then why not serve him because He exisits and not just so we can get life? Selfish isnt it?
Thats just my opinion, whether there is or isnt a God is another thread.
unholy Brummie
Depends on whose "Christian Message" you are referring to. Of course in America religion has swung to the conservative/fundy side over the past decade or so. And conservative/fundy Christianity is a lot like JWism in that it's all about THE SAVED and THE DAMNED. But hopefully this swing is slowing, as I think that fundy Christians who go on the internet are finding the same thing that JW's do - that their beliefs don't hold up well to scrutiny.
One of my best friends is a devout Christian, but much more towards the liberal side. Christianity could use more people like her.
Quite frankly, for me personally I never have served out of fear, as in terror. I have always just had the desire to do what was pleasing to my Creator out of respect and gratitude. Even in my jw days, I was not with them out of fear initially, just a desire to be in the truth. I did have fear when I left because I was still confused as to whether or not they were the truth but I had a love for God. Once I separated God from the watchtower, the fear left. Now, as a Christian...I serve Christ and I am honored. My fears if any, are just not wanting to go against his will. Not out of fear that He will damn me forever but because I don't desire to displease Him out of my love for Him. I do not fear death, as a matter of fact I may very well be in a denial because I don't concern myself with it at all. My devotion to Him is in the present tense to worship Him in this life. Whatever the afterlife brings is just the icing on the cake, I guess. love, dj
yes, i totally agree with dj.
when i was jw i lived in fear of wrath and armageddon and that i could never do enough.
as a new-born christian i have been released from fear. i realized that as a sinner i am totally deserving of death and i accept that. even if i am judged as evil and condemned that is totally right as my God is merciful and just and his decisions are unquestionable. however, i have learned that my Lord does not want any to be destroyed but wants all to come to him. i have discovered His love and mercy and His desire for all to know Him. and so i am totally content in that. i trust Him. He will do whatever is loving, just, and wise. we are all in His hands. far better to be there than anywhere else.
best wishes, nowisee
yes, i totally agree with dj.
when i was jw i lived in fear of wrath and armageddon and that i could never do enough.
as a new-born christian i have been released from fear. i realized that as a sinner i am totally deserving of death and i accept that. even if i am judged as evil and condemned that is totally right as my God is merciful and just and his decisions are unquestionable. however, i have learned that my Lord does not want any to be destroyed but wants all to come to him. i have discovered His love and mercy and His desire for all to know Him. and so i am totally content in that. i trust Him. He will do whatever is loving, just, and wise. we are all in His hands. far better to be there than anywhere else.
best wishes, nowisee
I feel that Anthony De Mello, said it best (I have posted this before but oh well):
"Religion as practiced today deals in punishments and rewards. In other words, it breeds fear and greed -- the two things most destructive of spirituality."
I simply dont think you can serve a God who will kill you if you dont serve him
I agree and I guess that is what my 'issue' is. When I was a JW that is why I served God, because I was too scared not to because of Armageddon. It's left some scars I think.
Now I'm looking at my faith again and wondering what Christianity really holds for me in comparison to the JW's and to be honest the underlying message seems to me to be "do this or die", no matter what part of Christianity one might be involved with. I wasn't having a go at Christians because they appreciate we will all die, not at all :)
It's also confusing because they all say they are the 'one true way' - kinda puts me off a bit. Oh well, what will be will be :)
I like that last quote btw :)
Don't go to any religion that says "We are the one true way" or words to that effect.
After being a JW for 17 years, I now understand what being a Christian is and fear does not come into it.
All though I try to be a Christ like person I fail every day. Unlike being a JW I do not feel condemed anymore, in so much as fearing God's anger for not doing enough (ministry, donating to the ww work etc).
Nowisee said.... even if i am judged as evil and condemned that is totally right as my God is merciful and just and his decisions are unquestionable.
This life is not all there is after death I am certain of that. The Bible says that ... God is Love. Just try to live your life and be the best person you possibly can.
Many on this board have turned athiest - I can not condem them for that, being once part of a high control group can
screw anyone up!ermm I mean, send a person in a totally differant direction.Just don't let JW's brand of religion or anybody elses put you off having faith in our Creator. Then in the end we all have to find our own path, everyone is differant.
Thanks qwerty, I appreciate your feedback. I'm so reluctant now to get involved with any religion, I guess it's something I have to work through. I want to believe but....