The Watchtower—Study Edition  |  January 2025 Husbands, Honor Your Wife

by RULES & REGULATIONS 18 Replies latest watchtower bible


    14 A husband who physically or verbally abuses his wife needs to take additional steps to repair his relationship with Jehovah and with his wife. What are these steps? First, he recognizes that he has a serious problem. Nothing is hidden from Jehovah’s sight. (Ps. 44:21; Eccl. 12:14; Heb. 4:13) Second, he stops abusing his wife and changes his behavior. (Prov. 28:13) Third, he apologizes to his wife and to Jehovah and seeks their forgiveness. (Acts 3:19) He should also beg Jehovah for both the desire to change and the help to control his thoughts, speech, and actions. (Ps. 51:10-12; 2 Cor. 10:5; Phil. 2:13) Fourth, he acts in harmony with his prayers by learning to hate all forms of violence and abusive speech. (Ps. 97:10) Fifth, he seeks immediate help from loving shepherds in the congregation. (Jas. 5:14-16) Sixth, he develops a plan that will help him to avoid all such behavior in the future. A husband who views pornography should follow these same steps. Jehovah will bless his efforts to change his behavior. (Ps. 37:5) But it is not enough for a husband to reject dishonorable conduct. He also needs to learn to show honor to his wife. How can he do that?

    This paragraph is a slap in the face to all married woman who are physically and verbally abused by their psycho husbands. Leave it to the misogynist Watchtower Society to treat physical and verbal abuse as a behavior that make abusive men let off lightly.

    Here are some awful suggestions from the Watchtower Society on how to repair his relationship with Jehovah and his wife:

    1. Recognize he has a problem 2. stop the abuse, change his behavior 3. beg Jehovah to help him change his behavior 4. hate violence and abusive speech 5. call the elders for help 6. develop a plan to stop the behavior

    Here are some real suggestions that were left out of this paragraph from the misogynist Watchtower Society:

    1. Stand up to him 2. evaluate the possibility of leaving 3. reach out to a family member, therapist 4. have a place to go if you need to leave the home 5. call the police and have him leave the home 6. call a lawyer, consider divorce

    My mom (a Jehovah's Witness, dad was not) were married for 60 years. He was verbally abusive their whole married life. He controlled all the decisions in the house and all the money matters. My mom would call the elders to see if they could help her in their marriage. They always advised her to stay in the marriage. She was told that he might change his behavior, start attending meetings and get baptized.

    In the last years of my mom's life, she was physically sick and bedridden. My brother and I paid for her home care, since our dad refused to help her.

    My dad continued his verbal abuse, slapped her a few times and threw household items at her. My brother (that lived with my parents) finally had enough. We got together and had my mom's family Doctor write a police report to have him removed from the house. The police came and took him to a Mental Facility to have him evaluated. He was advised from a Lawyer and the State of Illinois; he couldn't come back to the family home. He moved in with a family member, until his passing.

  • hoser

    They don’t have a fucking clue about how abusers operate do they?

    ……..or maybe they do

  • Touchofgrey

    Men are equally victims of domestic abuse, looking back to when we were courting there were red flags, as the years went by it intensified very slowly then about 6years I escaped with the help of domestic abuse agency for Male victims.

    There was no physical violence against me only physiological manipulation and coercive control and had a effect on my physical health and to everyone else she was a nice sister in the hall .so after I left the house the elders were insisting that I returned to the marriage and I was told that a man should never leave his wife and this was repeated many times.

    But again the expert help and advice from the domestic abuse agency I never did return to the abusive marriage and went through a horrendous divorce.

    So please if something doesn't feel right in your marriage whether Male or female contact a domestic abuse agency avoid the elders at all costs.

    Its not a easy thing to leave a abusive relationship but with the help of experts it can be done, when the time is right (took me a few years because of my kids).

    If physical violence please contact the authorities asap.

    Living my best life now ,free from a abusive marriage and a abusive and controlling religion, they both use the same tactics to control their victims.

    There was no physical violence against me only physiological manipulation and coercive control and had a effect on my physical health

    Can you expand on what the manipulations were and the coercive control?

    We tend to forget that men are also in abusive marriages and that they need to leave these relationships with help from outside experts.

  • Touchofgrey

    False accusations of flirting and affairs, included sister's in the hall that we had known for many years.

    That i was not a good husbands, father and never worked hard enough,

    Limited contact with my parents and my siblings, even though they were jws

    Controlled my mobile phone even stopped me having one for a while and access to my tablet.

    What I watched on tv ,

    With held affection and the silent treatment sometimes for days.

    Alienated me from my kids .

    Wouldn't contribute to the household bills

    Being critical of almost anything I did and said

    Would say hateful things and mask them as a joke.

    Probably more, but that's enough for now.

  • liam

    Yea, like I said before, we are now living in time when Marriage is not a good idea. It's actually becoming obsolete. The majority of my friends are already on their second marriage and they will never become well off because of all the alimony they are paying. They will be poor forever.

    The girl I almost married but broke it off has already been married twice and has three children. The ex-husbands are stuck with child support plus alimony for the next 20 or more years. Plus they will never be "Real" fathers with their children because they weren't given 50/50 custody.

    I'm not even 30 and I'm already a millionaire and have a great life. I give the credit to not getting married.

    Cartoon Ball And Chain. Just Married Man With Ball And Chain ...

  • Bribie

    Just awful how a male could actually verbally abuse let alone physically attack a wife or any female. I had the kindest caring father that never even thought of doing anything like that. And his gene’s I have inherited. I just hate any form of hurt or violence. But there is plenty of it out there.

    Am not married myself it does have it’s good points but it can also be a real challenge to keep it all together in these high cost of living, health issues and many other critical factors. For those who have had great marriages congratulations.

  • careful


    I can think of numerous sisters, both single and married, who would absolutely cherish (one group) and hate (other group) your pic! I had to lol! To me it looks like the cover pic of the underground Witness "Handbook for Single Sisters".

    As for R&R's OP: conspicuous by its absence is any ref. to calling in Caesar to protect the wife. How they don't want to touch on that! The scenario they portray looks entirely in-house, as if sisters—in the predicament of being married to a guy who could give a rat's ass about what the scriptures say or of having a "relationship with Jehovah"—don't matter.

  • FedUpJW

    @ touchofgrey

    So she was the perfect JW wife then it would seem. At least from my own personal experience it sounded like you had been reading my mail.

  • Touchofgrey


    Hope you are doing ok now

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