8 for me
Oh God(s)!
by tepidpoultry 27 Replies latest jw experiences
good luck with that one, and by the way no there isn't. You are treading on dogmatism with that viewpoint.
I find it hilarious that I would have to prove there is no god to an atheist.
But hey, if your contention is that as long as the goal posts can be moved, then one might correctly say there COULD be a god, that is what I was referring to. That's human imagination. And those goal posts will continue to be moved as our knowledge continues to expand.
I fail to see how it is incumbent upon me to disprove a figment of another's imagination. Prove to me that the Invisible Pink Unicorn doesn't exist and I'll use your method.
I worship Flying Spaghetti Monster hint hint :0)
Is that a number 8 tepidpoultry ? if so modify my #7 to an 8 .
I find it interesting that I was only able to detect 1 lady comment
so far and she was a 1 Strong Theist (the only one)
The lady was never a JW nor has she ever been in a KH. This maybe difference. LOL.
Ok smiddy
8 it is!
All may want to take note
that Richard Dawkins who has been described as
"The World's Most Famous Atheist"
and the author of the chart
puts himself at a 6
and Thank-you for your comments