Unshackle: I agree there are some images that are a stretch of the imagination, but there are definitely some strange obvious ones that stand out.
You are right. Some of the images are deliberate and some are unintentional.
This is a particularity divisive topic with some people taking an adamant side of "you are crazy" and "subliminal imaging is bunk/conspiracy theory" and "it is just in your head".
The part about it being in your head is absolutely true - everybody processes information in their brain and not everybody processes it the same. Not everybody sees the same.
What is noteworthy, though, when determining which side you will fall on, is that those who do say that the subliminal imaging is deliberate, and done intentionally, are professional artists.
I have responded to this claim on previous threads a couple of times, and....because I am an artist ( I used to teach university studio classes), I can confidentially say that there are subliminal images deliberately inserted into WT images. And, coincidentally, every single artist friend, that I have shown these images to, agrees. And these are not friends who just sit around painting flowers in their spare time - they are professional artists
An artist can tell whether the art making process was consistent, and where it was not consistent, and an artist usually knows if the one doing the piece meant to put it in or not. That is why they are artists - that is why they make art - they are good at perceiving things like that.
So, when it comes to determining what you will believe about subliminal images in WT literature - who are you going to believe? Artists like Compound Complex, myself, and other artists? Or people who just want to look up terms in Wiki and base their understanding of what is happening in an image on that explanation?
So. You decide. I already have.