Subliminal images - why and who are the individuals behind it?

by UnshackleTheChains 105 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    From the February 2017 wt. The middle panel has Eve with her eyes closed, mouth open to eat the fruit. The fruit has the snake in the background crossing it and curling back towards Eve's face. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. It is highly suggestive.

    Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden; the serpent speaks to Eve, she eats the fruit, and gives it to Adam

  • Finkelstein

    It is highly suggestive.

    Yes probably to person with a warped mind

  • OrphanCrow

    Finkelstein, what is warped about that image is that the WTS published a 'religious' image that contains a rendering of a woman that is sexually suggestive.

    The mind of the viewer is being warped by an image that resembles a porn image of a woman with her eyes closed, mouth open...pleasurably about to bite the fruit engage in oral sex.

    Oral sex is not warped behavior. It is normal, healthy sex. It is not warped to make the association between a woman with her eyes closed, her mouth open, and a look of pleasure on her face while the snake looms closer, with oral sex. That is a normal association, not a warped one.

    What is warped is that this image appears in a supposedly "moral" publication.

  • yalbmert99
  • Half banana
    Half banana

    If the incompetence and egoism found in the WT art department is true-- and idealistic JWs with a talent for art are let loose to do their work--and the department heads are JW zombie company men...........then I can see how it happens.

    As a designer/artist myself, there is nothing more stultifying to free personal expression than claustrophobic life in a highly controlling religious institution. (How did you manage it CC?)

    One can imagine how the idealist bro gets to work in art at Bethel and finds his creative freedom squashed, what does he do? He doodles and sees what he can get away with, having awoken to the fact that JW HQ is hell on earth and that the organisation is a fraud. His artwork cleverly leaves tiny but permanent marks of his dissatisfaction and he has to look for a way to escape the oppressive cult.

    I have heard of one such and I don't suppose he was the only one.

    Pariedolia is something visual artists are always conscious of and play with, just as writers, poets and playwrights deal with ambiguities in words and nuance of meaning. The JW organisation however is inclined towards a religious fascism!

  • MeanMrMustard
    The fruit has the snake in the background crossing it and curling back towards Eve's face. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. It is highly suggestive.
    Pffft. Ha ha ha.

    When I saw the picture I thought it was suggestive of the serpent/fruit story in Genesis.


  • Diogenesister

    Days of future past What I find hilarious is the ubiquitous LION in the foreground. I'd like Compound Complex ( madly hard work, I know) or any other pro artist to tell us, over the years if it's the SAME lion??!! My husband and I have a bet that its CLarence the cross eyed lion ( with eyes now paradise PERFECT, obvs!!! )!

    Co Complex I used to think it was all bunkum but I *do* take the advice of professional artists as to whether there is, or has been in the past, some kind of subliminal craziness going on.

    Artist's own Easter eggs absolutely, yes, given that artists cannot SIGN their work that absolutely makes sense in order to identify them.

    And I also say 'in the past' because I think in the days of FRANZ et al it was far more likely to happen, given their almost God-like narcissism and probably disregard for what other witnesses, before or after, thought of their behaviour. Oh, and they were SERIOUSLY NUTS.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    As a designer/artist myself, there is nothing more stultifying to free personal expression than claustrophobic life in a highly controlling religious institution. (How did you manage it CC?) -- Half banana

    I couldn't manage any longer. So much was demanded of us young, early-20s brothers. We never got a break from nonstop Theocratic Activity, both at Bethel and in the congregation. I had to leave before my four years, in despair because I loved my work there. This was long before knowing TTATT.


    I'd like Compound Complex ( madly hard work, I know) or any other pro artist to tell us, over the years if it's the SAME lion??!! My husband and I have a bet that its CLarence the cross eyed lion ( with eyes now paradise PERFECT, obvs!!! )!

    Co Complex I used to think it was all bunkum but I *do* take the advice of professional artists as to whether there is, or has been in the past, some kind of subliminal craziness going on. -- Diogenesister

    I will have to look into this, Dgs; however, I discovered, when at Bethel, at least two (more?) mistakes in the non-colorized drawings in Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God. One was the incompletely rendered railing of the podium where a beardless Jesus was addressing the Jews. ('Today, this scripture has been fulfilled.') Another, a little girl playing with a huge, maned lion in Paradise. The head was outsize, the body diminutive.

    I cannot recall if these artists' errors were ever corrected.



  • UnshackleTheChains
  • UnshackleTheChains

    The above image is taken from the knowledge book. Check out each side. You see part of a face

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