Brooklyn Update – January 10, 2015

by Sour Grapes 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    Email sent to me from a friend in New York City.

    Brooklyn Update – January 10, 2015

    We have spent the last few weeks in training at the Montgomery facility (near Walkill) There are 6 couples that were trained to go on the road as LDC Field Representatives of the Branch.  We will have a work week that mirrors the brothers & sisters in the CO work – Tuesday thru Saturday – Sunday & Monday off for meetings & service (and everything else!)

    Our full-time job is to take specific projects assigned by the Branch according to who has the greatest need in a particular area – then meet with the local elders to understand the needs of their congregations – figure out where the absolute best place to put a new KH – (based on need, not price).  Once we figure that out – then the Branch will direct us to go after that property weather or not it is for sale. Elders will get the full scope of the new arrangement on Jan 31st when the LDC rolls out the new arrangement to the nation – you are gonna love it!!!!

    Right after our school – the instructors went to Palm Coast FL to train 4 couples for Zone 2 – then California – then Texas.  So 4 of the 7 zones in the US will be up and running within 6 weeks.

    Zone 1 includes the entire Northeast (from Virginia up to Maine) – currently all 6 couples have been put in the New York/ New Jersey/ Conn area.    Dave Palen, our overseer, said we are going to take NYC by storm!  We are going to be working 12-14 hour days, at first, to pound it out and get it off the ground – the friends here have waited a long time.    This is a demanding job – I have a lot of respect for the RBC brothers who were doing this work while holding jobs, raising families, being elders – that’s such a heavy load. 

    We started working immediately - and have already started visiting local halls that either need a renovation or a complete change.  It is eye opening to see what the brothers deal with in the city.  Across the country the friends who have less money in urban areas have the greatest need.  Under the old arrangement – they couldn’t afford to upgrade – but now Jehovah is making sure they are cared for first!!!  Such a loving arrangement! 

    We visited a Hall yesterday – that truly looked like a 1970’s funeral home!  It had everything but the organ music and the corpse!  Very dated, unappealing façade, poor layout, leaky roof – not a place you would feel proud to invite an interested bible student – however the brother showing us around reminded us that this particular Hall is the best building in the neighborhood – and nicer than all the homes near there – so it’s all relative. Wow!

    It’s going to be fun to be a part of giving these friends a dignified place to worship – they are so humble and faithful!  I understand now why we are living in the city – there is no way you can truly understand the issues for the friends here unless you have lived here.  Only now do we realize that placing a Kingdom Hall a few blocks one way or another on a map may look fine – but in real life – it means an elderly sister or single mother has to deal with that walk, in all kinds of weather every week.  This arrangement allows us to accommodate the friends and bible students by being put in the best spot possible – regardless of price!  We are told - this is “need” driven, not “money” driven.  We will save money where we can but not at the expense of the spiritual health of our brothers.  How cool is that!

    At our graduation – Brother Palen made a point that I found really powerful. “When you are concerned that you can’t do this job and it’s too overwhelming – even for oversight – remember – even if you don’t know what you are doing – you will succeed!  How can that be true?  Prophecy!” 

    “Turn to Ezekiel 38:11,12 “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements… it will be to take much spoil and plunder…places that are now inhabited by a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property “. (check cross reference for ‘property’)  In this time of the end Jehovah’s people will be the largest property owners in the world – and our great God Jehovah’s name will be on every one of them!!  And “they will have to know that I am Jehovah”!!” (vs 23)

  • HappyDad

    First if all, what is LDC? You need to remember that many of us have been out for years and when a poster talks in initials so to speak, it confuses us if not pissing us off. So please.......spell this stuff out. 

    thank you,


  • Honesty
    First if all, what is LDC? You need to remember that many of us have been out for years and when a poster talks in initials so to speak, it confuses us if not pissing us off. So please.......spell this stuff out. 
    thank you,

    Just a guess:

    LDC = Low Down Crooks

  • label licker
    label licker

    Local Design/Construction Department

    There's a letter that went out stating an upcoming meeting on what this new department at bethel is all about. Maybe someone can post it. More skinning of the sheep before their slaughter. I wish they would wake up. So sad.

  • _Morpheus
    Wow thank you for sharing!  If possible to share what is your friends role....?  Ldc head or assistant type? He is going to be over my area (DC). Last i heard they are going to be based in PA
  • Magnum
    “Turn to Ezekiel 38:11,12 “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements… it will be to take much spoil and plunder…places that are now inhabited by a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property “. (check cross reference for ‘property’)  In this time of the end Jehovah’s people will be the largest property owners in the world – and our great God Jehovah’s name will be on every one of them!!  And “they will have to know that I am Jehovah”!!” (vs 23)

    Wow! They've found a scripture to back up their new focus on property-acquiring and real estate. Yeah, their "great God Jehovah's name will be on every one of them" until they decide to sell them for a profit and remove his name.

  • JWdaughter

    If you really got this from a friend, and he is a happy JW, he might be pissed to see his letter with names, dates and places identified on an "apostate" website.

  • millie210

    Thank you Sour Grapes for sharing this.

    It totally agrees with what was reported in another thread about the new LDC arrangement.

    The elders here are getting ready to have their meeting at the end of this month to learn what we already know.

    We are watching the switch from publishing company to real estate company. 

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes
    My friend in New York did not write the notes.  He received them from someone else and shared them with me and I am sharing them with you. 
  • prologos
    Why is it called LOCAL  design/ construction committee, if all the designing is already done cookie-cutter style at central? 

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