"instructions that aren't sound by a human standpoint"

by mikeflood 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FedUpJW
    Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.

    Well JW's cannot be so picky. After all a perfect God and a perfect Jesus just cannot be expected to furnish food that is perfect. The JW's need to be satisfied with the spoiled food that the gibbering boobies give them that would otherwise be thrown out.

  • Duran
    Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.

    Fixed it. Now it is a true statement from the WTS/GB.

    Jesus did not tell them anything that they teach!

  • blondie

    It always is so amazing that the WTS says "the bible does not say" and then proceeds to give an answer without any scriptural support as if their god is dropping the answer only into the GB's minds.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    I think what you're referring to is something called the exegesius.

    They can make you believe something,,,that's not even in the bible by using their "propaganda".

    Then they can convince you that it is in the bible,,, but when really it,,, is not.

  • Vidiot

    The “follow instructions even if they don’t make sense” thing arguably primes the rank-and-file for pretty much anything, no matter what…

    …including doubling-down or mainstream reform.

    Hypothetical scenario…

    …the WTS loses its tax-exemption over child abuse scandals and human rights abuses in too many countries to stay afloat and they’re not able to get their little real estate empire up and running in time…

    …so the GB tells the rank-and-file that “it’s time” to hunker down in their bunkers basements and await further instructions…

    …while they and a select few bugger off to the Caymans where they have nest eggs stashed, and let the rank-and-file think they’ve been raptured taken away to heaven to kick off the Great Tribulation.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Mind control is a scary thing.

  • blondie

    Beth Sarim, it is like the WTS refers to Acts 15 to prove there is a governing body, but that phrase never occurs in the bible even the RNWT. Most jws never notice that because it is usually just cited not quoted in the publication. I have shown that to long time jws, and it is such a surprise to them. I say, wouldn't it be embarrassing to think it did while showing it to a person at the door? (exegesius That's a new word for me, unfortunately most jws including the governing body wouldn't get it now. I'll see if I can ever use that word.) Thanks for sharing.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Its a way the Borg can make you convinced that something is in the bible,,,, when in reality its NOT even,,,in the bible

    By citing a few scriptures,,,referring to the bible,,, then back to "bible- based" literature,,, propaganda.

  • FedUpJW
    WTS refers to Acts 15 to prove there is a governing body, but that phrase never occurs in the bible even the RNWT.

    You are correct. The only reference to 'governing body' is a WT term inserted in the ** nwtsty Acts Study Notes—Chapter 15 ** It is a JW term, and interesting that in that reference it is not capitalized about those elders while when they refer to themselves they do capitalize the G and the B as in an assumed title.

    Reminds me of what Jesus said in the first eleven verses of Matthew 23 about the Pharisees in his day.

  • DesirousOfChange
    Then they can convince you that it is in the bible,,, but when really it,,, is not.

    If it becomes important enough to them, they will just issue and New & Improved NWT and add it.

    BTW -- Most JWs have never even read the Bible.

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