"instructions that aren't sound by a human standpoint"

by mikeflood 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mikeflood

    In that you're wrong, I used to know a lot that take their pride to have read the Bible cover to cover....and the Borg are so indoctrinate that you could take all the rags and books...and they could 'defend' just with the Bible.

    Maybe they're gonna opt for some form of loose association , instead of a centralized one...I think they hint something like that in one of their last videos.

  • Duran
    BTW -- Most JWs have never even read the Bible.
    In that you're wrong, I used to know a lot that take their pride to have read the Bible cover to cover

    I'm sure it was meant hyperbole. I tend to agree, it is as if they do not read the Bible.

    Ask a JW when the 70 years of Jere 25:11,12 ended, and they will say 537. Ask them when Jehovah called Babylon to account, and they will say 539.

    See, like they have never even read the Bible.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I know a lot (majority) has never read the Bible cover to cover. Some pretend to have done so. Many people that do end up asking questions, too many questions and you are an apostate.

    Also note that the WTBTS rewrite does reinforce a lot of the believes and even copies a lot of their “secret” language rather than proper English (or other translations). It is difficult to understand when the meanings of “world” or “lord” and “God” are twisted and swapped.

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