Wythenshawe Kingdom Hall - Sold

by AdamCzarnobay 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat
    the most popular boys name in Britain is Mohammed.

    What would you prefer? Adolf? Calm down, only pulling your leg Stan. πŸ˜‰

    According to the JW website there is no longer a KH located in Irvine and Irvine congregation now meets in Stevenston. Did they sell the KH in Irvine, does anyone know about that?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Did they sell the KH in Irvine?


  • careful


    How "Lutheran" really is the university? It might be that its something of a historical name without a direct connection nowadays

    Check out these links:



    Doesn't appear to be entirely secular, eh?

  • NotFormer

    "What would you prefer? Adolf?"

    Harpo Marx's first name: why not? πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ–– (Leg pulling in return!)

    (Yes, I know, he changed his name to Arthur long before the moustache man became a thing)

  • NotFormer

    "Perception, perception, perception, the trick the WTS uses often to guilt jws into not doing something that has no real scriptural basis. So it is not a blanket belief officially but it can up being that way unofficially."

    1 Thessalonians 5:22 King James Version

    "Abstain from all appearance of evil."

    Because of its wording, the KJV version of the above verse was used as a blanket prohibition against pretty much anything in a former church of mine. The mere "appearance", whether ACTUALLY evil or not was enough to condemn a lot of actions by youth in our church. It was usually couched in references to how people outside the church (in the world) might wrongly perceive said actions. That's the "appearance" part. Most modern translations render it as every kind or all forms of evil, not the mere appearance of such.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Blondie, sorry it took so long to get back to you. Yes, this is in California, and I'm talking about COs apartments at KINGDOM halls, not Assembly Halls. I know nothing about COs apartments at AHs in CA.

  • Balaamsass2

    AH....." perception," "conscience of the congregation," and the slippery Watchtower phrases some elders use for "depends on who you are. "If we don't like you, it's wrong".

    I remember a sweet mousy sister who was an engineer working on the moon lander vehicle. The new CO targeted her for "working for a defense contractor"β€”Lockheed. Meanwhile, a few miles down the road in Silicon Valley, an ex-cop elder was the head of Security for a 100% Defense Contractor, giving keynote talks at Conventions and conducting electronic eavesdropping on Watchtower "enemies" at the behest of Don Adams at Bethel. It all depends on who you are.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Considering the question of a JW business person refusing to work for a church, I have maintained for years that the WT stance is illegal (US). Of course if a church advertises for a job opening like bookkeeper, custodian, etc, a JW could simply not fill out an application, easy enough. But a business owner, something like a building service such as sound system repair, carpet cleaning, plumber, etc, could easily end up in court for discrimination. Both federal (1964 Civil Rights Act) and state laws prohibit a service business from refusing service based on religion, along with race, color, sex and national origin. On this basis, when the WT requires a service businessperson to refuse work for a religious institution, they are forcing the person to break the law.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    A JW refused to work for a church .

    Then the Borg has no problem selling one of their dedicated KHs to a church of " Christendom" ?



  • NotFormer

    dropoffyourkeylee, you're absolutely right. The problem is that the JW contractor is between a rock and a hard place. If he fulfills his legal duty and doesn't discriminate against another church who has hired him, he'll be disciplined in some form, perhaps even disfellowshipped, if someone in the WT hierarchy told him not to. He can't sue the Borg because basic religious freedom principles allow a religion to pick and choose who it's members are.

    If he chooses to follow the Borg's instructions, he'll be sued by the contracting organisation for illegally discriminating against them. He can't further sue the Borg because, after all, he willingly followed their recommendations.

    It's a lose/lose situation for the poor JW contractor. Of course, he could always hide behind the corporate veil

    Brother Smith: It's not me contracting with that church, Elder Jones, but Brother Smith LLC. (Brother Smith smiles an innocent smile)

    (Stoopid autocorrect turned "Borg" into "Body" πŸ™„)

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