I suppose that means more hounding calls, more field circus, and more boasting sessions soon to come. And more mandatory coronavirus shot, more mandatory taking that risk of getting any number of serious diseases that are not curable to prevent what amounts to a cold, and more being expected to work in field circus with these conditions. Such as arthritis bad enough to need a wheelchair, cancer of all sorts, type 1 diabetes, and who knows what other problems they want people to serve joke-hova in spite of having.
These should have been the last restrictions lifted. In fact, going to these churches to donate our spiritual energy to enable the reptilians to dispossess us from the earth should have been banned long before any diseases came along, no matter how mild. This disease of christi-SCAM-ity, along with its sibling diseases of judaism and islam, always create serious problems for souls infested with them. And those are far worse pandemics than even the coronavirus that they were trying to scare us with (10% death rate among healthy people, 50% long term disability, and no way to throttle it). Let alone the actual virus, which kills more nursing home patients than anything and can be throttled with quercetin and zinc.
I, for one, would rather take my chances of catching a cold than see my whole race going extinct and everyone else being degraded and enslaved because of the church pandemic.