For me it was many things -
1. Use of 'Worldly' music at 2016 Convention final video (Audio Machines - Eternal Flame)
2. Use of purchased video footage of a woman in an 'immodest' dress
3. Elders Manual have a special provision for elders who fornicate but some time has passed and they are sorry
4. Asking the Malawi Brothers to be martyrs and the Mexico brothers to bribe officials to escape punishment
5. The Creation Book being full of misquotes
6. The UN membership scandal
7. The hiding of Childhood Sex Abuse
8. G. Losch's court record of denying anything to do with the WBTS
9. The Flood correspondence letters with the Branch (See
10. The change in policy related to organ transplants
11. Questions from readers banning what goes on in the bedroom (Oral sex) and then changing that 'policy' to don't ask / don't tell
12. Being appointed as Pioneer while having premarital sex / getting appointed as an MS while having looked at porn, getting appointed as an Elder while not stopping looking at porn. Getting removed and reappointed for looking at porn (see point 3. I should have not admitted it until some time had passed :-))
13. Higher education frowned upon and yet all the heavy's at the conventions including Chairman/Overseer of various departments all of the speakers ere college degree persons
14. Beards not being allowed in the USA and yet see them on many brothers in USA as rule depends on opinion of the CO and BOE
15. Asking for Money to get many hall built in 2015 and then turning around and consolidating halls (The great sell off)
16. Lying at annual meetings about why the reduction in Bethelites and Literature - (The Leaked 2016 Budget Meeting says it all
17. The convention accounting scam (I worked in accounting at circuit and regional) to see the videos on the web about it confirmed that the apostates were not lying but telling the truth
18. Reading the Book Crisis of Conscience
19. Giving awesome talks and doing phenomenal jobs on meeting parts and being told by the CO you are the most organized Secretary ever! (Meanwhile I'm masturbating to porn in my free time) This showed me there is no such thing as Holy Spirit hence my question of God being who I was taught he is versus who he may or may not be
20. Seeing all the real skulls and fossils at the Museum of History in Washington DC
21. Seeing how 'worldly' people are not that bad. And yes there are terrible people but for every bad thing in the news that a person does, I can name several JW's who have done those things as well. There are good people in every corner of the earth and there are terrible people in every corner of the earth.
22. Seeing my worldly relatives happy and enjoying their families and being good people
23. AtM III / AKA TPT - and his shopping spree at the local Liquor store (Nothing wrong with buying the Scotch - it's the principle of hypocrisy that was violated
24. No transparency on the CSA and no apology for the wrongs committed
25. Not releasing the dirt on the database of CS offenders the Headquarters keeps
26. The ARC videos
27. The Canadian courts testimony on Disfellowshipping - the JW lawyer testifying that normal family relations continue. OMG what a load of bull$hit
28. The 3 times I studied the Revelation book and tore my hair out trying to grasp the prophecies only to see the book get kicked to the curb as old light -
29. The blood fractions policy is total BS - I would rather them say no blood whatsoever / a compromise is as as good as blood and they can't man up and fix the unscriptural rule
30. Overlapping Generations and the Millions Now living will never die Magazine
31. Order to throw away all old literature to cover the tracts of old light
32. Sleeping Better than I ever have when doing less theocratically and not being under the mental stranglehold the JW cult has on people
33. See the cognitive dissonance from friends and relatives when i try to mention anything in passing
34. seeing the rampant alcohol abuse by Elders/Pioneer/Servants but because they are on the LDC and other Good Old Boys club areas they get a pass
35. No birthdays but wedding anniversaries and baby showers are ok (What about Job's children birthdays - there was no be-headings there)
36. God killing women and children and animals cause they were either in the way of his peoples land or because Adam and Eve screwed up so your child has to die and Bambi does to!
37. Visiting the bethel facilities in other countries and seeing that Alcohol is ok for lunch and dinner even on meeting nights
38. Plants that have always been poisonous and animals that have always been venomous Animals that kill their young, animals that have teeth designed for flesh, animals that have cancer and got cancer long before Adam and Eve
39. Barbara Anderson
40. Paul Grundy
41. Lloyd Evans/Cedars
42. Atlantis
43. Stillin
44. This Site
45. EXJW/Reddit
47. The kindness of you folks here on this site
48. Women treated as 2nd citizens
49. Emphasis on outward appearances being more important than being genuine
50. Worship of any shape or form should not be tiresome, exhausting, depressing.
I could write more but that is what ran thru my mind and as fast as I could type I wrote them down.