Get This Longhairgal
Once when I was moving house to a different town,I was selling all my good furniture n things that were in really good condition as I had pretty recently upgraded my house n all (did not see this move coming ) .Practically selling everything I did not need or fit in the other house. A couple of jdumbs just turned up to take things away with a van saying "we can talk about money afterwards as the vanhire is already here." I needed the money so bad and so I just refused to let them in without handing me my cash.They did not like this at all, went and blabbered to an eldeumb who calls me to sort of tell me off for wasting this couples money on the van hire and losing out on a potential buyer! Boy was I boiling inside. I sold all my stuff to worldly people who treated me with utmost respect and were decent.
To top this a dumb elder tried to sell me his rusty,battered old car, which was nearly ready for the yard, for $1000 (not that I could afford it but he put it this way that I will need a car in the new town to get around (bear in mind I did not have a car even before then). I have never had a car in my life but do know some repairs and maintenance of a car. Some of the things that happened to me just blows me away.Why could I not see TTATT!