No more REPORTING field service!!!!!!!!!

by BoogerMan 176 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • was a new boy
  • was a new boy
  • NotFormer

    RonW. "If I was still a regular pioneer getting 90 hours a month in and I heard this I would have thought 'What is the bloody point of flogging my guts out when the rank and file can report miniscule ministry.'🤷‍♀️"

    Perhaps they can start giving real recognition and appreciation to pioneers. Actually rewarding people who put in the effort.

    BTW, how much drain-cleaner had Rutherford drunk to come up with "pioneer" as a class? It's reminiscent of Amway's Diamond Ambassador level.

  • mikeflood

    Well, that means the Borg is becoming more mainstream...they could go more on vacations without feeling uber guilty....and more free weekends...

  • enoughisenough

    Will pioneers feel more special than ever or will they resent that they have to put in the hours and report them? Will pioneers be put on an even higher pedistal?

  • Vanderhoven7

    Norris says

    "It’s vital to the organisation that a positive image is shown, and why they are so overly protective against critics, whistleblowers and apostates.

    Is there really a sudden need to change something that’s been done for years ? Why now ?

    Regardless of how this will be spun in J.W land, the reason can only be a coverup of poor statistics, instead of having to show a poor yearly report, they can now say we no longer collect the data."

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I dont think anyone in a million years would have thought this.

    Dan Clark is saying on SixSreens that its like they are closing shop,,maybe going out of business.

    Not the exact words,,,but along those lines.

  • NotFormer

    "Dan Clark is saying on SixSreens that its like they are closing shop,,maybe going out of business.

    Not the exact words,,,but along those lines."

    Given that the door to door work is their business, that's not a difficult conclusion to come to.

  • enoughisenough

    I am glad I got out, but I have to say that if I were in, I would feel this new thing a slap in the face. Think of all the years we were put under pressure to get our hours more, more, more....and were judged by the elders and others by our time ( on the cards or being visible ) I suppose if you are in,you will still be judged as to being visible....but I bet a lot won't even show up. They would have us review our cards from time to time to shame us into getting even more time! I wonder if they thing more will get baptized if they know they don't have to report time. I find it interesting, you are to tick the box if you talked to anyone....They still want to know how many are "preaching" so they know how much to charge the congregations for the seat takers at the halls.

  • hoser

    Maybe they will lower pioneer hours to a number that most can attain. Let’s say 10 or 15. That way they can maintain a social caste system.

    It will also affect family worship and born in baptisms. You don’t need to study with your kids each week to count your 4 hours. Other publishers won’t need to study with your teenage kid to get them to baptism if counting the hours don’t give them any social credits in the congregation

    This is bigger than we think it is!

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