"For no matter how many the promises of God are, they have become Yes by means of him. Therefore also through him is the "Amen" [said] to God for glory through us."-2 Cor 1:20
All the promises of God are found throughout the Hebrew scriptures. Any utterance that Jehovah made must go forth and not return to him without the said results, for it is impossible for God to lie. Jehovah honors his word, if anything can be trusted in most, it would have to be that the word that Jehovah has spoken will without fail come true. He is not a sloppy God.
But how do you know the word that Jehovah has spoken? Many have given interpretations that they have said are divinely given, but which later have proven false. Many were misled by these interpretations for various reasons. But as stated above, Jehovah is not a sloppy God. In his word the bible lies all the answers his servants need to determine if such interpretations are from God or not. Let's consider this.
Revelation 19:10(b part) says: "Worship God; for the bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying." As stated above, Jehovah honors his word, therefore he must honor this scripture. The very first prophecy given was by Jehovah himself. This is found in the book of Genesis in chapter 3. Here the man, the woman, and the serpent are brought before the great King and Judge, Jehovah himself. After having sinned, these three are brought before him for judgement. In passing out that sentence, Jehovah utters the first prophecy. If the rules we have just established are true, Jehovah must honor them,---he does. Let's see what he says that bears witness to Jesus. "And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel."-Gen 3:15 Here in the first prophecy recorded in the bible, Jehovah bears witness to Jesus by calling him the 'seed'. Yes, it is through him that Jehovah planned to restore mankind from its fallen state, and it is also through him that Jehovah justifies his universal sovreignty and removes the slander (by the serpent) on his most holy name. It is also through Jesus that the serpents head gets crushed, thus removing all opposition to Jehovah's sovreignty. Yes, ALL PROPHECY THAT COMES FROM JEHOVAH BEARS WITNESS TO JESUS.
Jesus is the "Amen" said to all the promises of Jehovah. -2Cor1:20 All Jehovah's prophecies are found in the Hebrew Scriptures, therefore Jesus is the "Amen" said to the Hebrew Scriptures. All the 'types' or 'shadows' of the things to come are found in the Hebrew Scriptures, likewise the reality is found in Christ. All the sacrifices, and all the provisions for salvation, and also for destruction were "Amen" through him. Yes, ALL PROPHECY THAT COMES FROM JEHOVAH BEARS WITNESS TO JESUS. -But where did he become the "Amen" to them?
"Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy but to FULFILL; for truly I say to YOU that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one smallest letter or one particle of a letter to pass away from the Law by any means and all things take place"-Matt 5:17,18 Yes, Jesus came [in the flesh] to the earth to fulfill all the promises spoken by Jehovah (the 'Law and the Prophets' is what they called the 'hebrew scriptures'). He fulfilled them ALL. By word or by deed Jesus did indeed become the "Amen" to all the promises written in the Hebrew Scriptures. Where in the bible do we find the "Amen" to all these promises? In the Gospels. Yes, we are given four accounts of the 'ministry' of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Therefore all the hebrew scriptures have a fulfillment in Christ. Either in WORD or DEED he became the fulfillment to all the promises of God. Even the future prophecies must bear witness to Jesus, as stated in Rev 19:10. Why? Because he became the "Amen" to ALL the promises of God.
The apostle John bears witness to this in 1John chapter 4. There he says "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because MANY FALSE PROPHETS have gone forth into the world." A big problem!!! Many false prophets are uttering forth inspired expressions. Wow! Which to believe? How will we know if it originated from God or not? Wait! John gives us the answer......"You gain the knowledge of the inspired expression from God by this: Every inspired expression that confesses Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh originates with God." Yes, like said above, Jesus became the "Amen" to all the promises of God (the Hebrew Scriptures) when he came in the flesh, yes, during his ministry. So if we are to look in the Hebrew Scriptures and find a prophecy (given by god), we must also find the "Amen" said to it in Jesus Christ in order to have the right interpretation. For instance, if one brings an interpretation of a prophecy, he must furnish where God said it (in the Hebrew Scriptures) and then must also show the the "Amen" said to it through Jesus Christ. So he must show the fulfillment in Christ. Yes, he has to find a parellel in the scriptures (both hebrew and the gospels) to establish the interpretation as true. John goes on to say "but every inspired expression that does not confess Jesus does not originate with God. Furthermore, this is the antichrist's [inspired expression] which you have heard was coming..." Yes, if it does not confess Jesus Christ (by the things he said or did) it does not originate with God. Therefore any of the prophesies given by the apostles in the Christian Greek Scriptures bore witness to Christ. Yes, carefully concealed in him is all the sacred secrets of Jehovah!
Hebrew Scriptures-->Jesus Christ<---Christian Greek Scriptures
****All prophecy from Jehovah bears witness to Jesus Christ*****
Some would say that "When his (Jehovah's) due time arrives to bring about the physical facts by which those devoted to him can see that these facts are in fulfillment of prophecy, then the prophecy can be understood." IS THIS SO? In order to find the answer to this, we must look in God's Word the bible to find the answer. It is impossible for God to lie, and also as brought out above, JEHOVAH HONORS HIS WORD. So lets take a look at a few scriptures to see if this is so:
-Amos 3:7 "For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets."
-Isaiah 42:9 "The first things- here they have come but new things I am telling out. Before they begin to spring up, I cause YOU people to hear [them]
Does any of this bear witness to Jesus Christ? Lets see.
-John 16:13 "However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to YOU the THINGS COMING.
Yes, Jehovah always reveals his things to his servants BEFORE they happen. He cannot deny his own word. As a matter of fact, he even gave name of individuals, hundreds of years before they were even born to his prophets before those events occured (Isa chpt 44). As stated above, Jehovah is NOT a sloppy God. And he honors his Word. If infact a prophecy was interpreted after the fact, after the events had already occured, could it be that Jehovah is a liar? May that never happen! But let God be found true, though every man a liar.-Rom 3:4
The simple biblical truth is .......It was not from Jehovah.