What were Satan and his demons "doing" up in heaven, before being "cast down" in 1914?
by Dunedain 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you're ever in a discussion with a Jaydub about this, by their own teaching, all of the suffering and problems on earth are because Satan made a bet and Jehovah said you're on. All of it is just one big bar bet. -
Malachi Constant
In the beginning of the book of Job, Satan told God that he had basically been hanging around and, before that, some angels had come from heaven to copulate with humans. Evidently heaven is a boring place. Apart from these, in the OT, Satan and his angels are not met too often, so where the hell they were and what where they doing with their supernatural powers? Waiting for poor humans to contact them by means of drawing occult symbols in the sand combined with some acrobatics?
It is not even made clear in the OT that the same person(?) had been behind the Snake of Eden. That information is more easily found in writings considered apochryphal, just like the general theme of the fight between some universal god and evil is central in the wisdom books of other traditions of the time. Indeed, the Bible does not tell much about our supposedly worst enemy.
The whole satan and demons issue intrigues me, particularly the account in Genesis of angels seeing the daughters of men and coming to earth to materialize to have sexual relations with them. I don't understand how angels can have sex drives. I don't understand how they can have lust for humans. Neither do I understand how they can materialize as humans (male) and have sex, and be capable of reproduction! Do (did) they really have powers of creation? If so, then, for all we know, many men of history (bad and good) may have been materialized angels/demons..! Yes I know the Nephilim (demon offspring) were supposedly destroyed in the flood but what was to stop demons repeating their earthly visits....?!
I don't understand how they can have lust for humans.
Excellent point right there.
dear westiebilly11...
the bible OT doesn't say the angels materialized into human bodies. It also says that their offspring were not mere humans. This means that they had their own bodies with angelic dna and that they were capable of reproducing WITH humans. The physical offspring of these unions were destroyed in the flood but the spiritual entity of each was not destroyed they are those call demonic spirits. It is the fallen angels themselves who had the ability to move from the spiritual dimention to the physical dimention (like the resurrected Christ) in an actual body.
These angelic/human offspring have been destroying the earth for a long time and it is they who will inhabit human bodies...that's why it is called demon possession, but demons can be "cast out" and the human "regains" his senses (so to speak). According to the book of enoch these offspring are more or less free to cause destruction to men until sometime before the great judgement when they will be cast into the deepest valleys of the earth to await their fate.
enoch chapter 6
After supposedly what Satan and his demons did you would think they'd been disfellowshipped and god wouldn't have allowed them in heaven all those years. -
all of the suffering and problems on earth are because Satan made a bet and Jehovah said you're on. All of it is just one big bar bet.
Satan doubled down and lost.Ha Ha Ha you bastard.
Rub a Dub
What were Satan and his demons "doing" up in heaven, before being "cast down" in 1914?
Neither do I understand how they can materialize as humans (male) and have sex, and be capable of reproduction!
Great point.
Maybe a good Questions from Readers item would be: Were any of the Nephelim part of the LGBT community or were they all straight ?
Just a thought that smarter people than me can answer.
Rub a Dub
Dear Myelaine
angelic dna? how could they reproduce with humans? doesn't the OT also say that each to its own kind ie no crossing over between kinds? how could spirit creatures have sex with flesh? are you saying God permitted them to create bodies to have sex with women? ( and why didn't they have sex with men?..were they female spirits?..if so why gender?)..and don't you also thus think that humans have no chance if demons can control/possess humans but humans have no defence against this?...seems to me possession is a form of mental illness..not a demonic possession. Were witches possessed?..or just misinterpreted by ignorance...