I left the JW Organization last year during Summer. Maybe some of you can relate. Who of you are agnostic or an atheist? I am agnostic for a couple of months now.
Since leaving the JW Organization, who is believing?
by Issa 66 Replies latest jw friends
Hello Issa.
After I left the cult I went on believing in god and in the inspiration of the bible. I was an evangelical christian for about a decade. I lost faith in faith in 2014 and have been pursuing an evidence-based view of life ever since then. I am an atheist.
I think I'm agnostic too. But most people who leave JWs seem to keep some sort of belief in God. Although you wouldn't realise it from reading this discussion board where atheism tends to dominate. We don't hear from believers much on this forum for whatever reason, many keep it to themselves or go elsewhere.
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm an atheist now but when I first left I was still a believing in the bible person it took me about 3 years till I finally gave up on the biblical deity. I was more determined after I left to not ignore facts and make informed decisions as I was sick of the mental fog the WT corporation put me under. So it took about three years to total give up the Watchtower Deity after leaving the mind control cult. I'm glad I did because it is better to face reality and not keep falling into human superstition in coping with life's problems.
Not a believer for quite some time now, just don't see it.
I stopped believing long before I was able to leave. I usually say agnostic, but athiest is probably closer to the truth. I can not believe in a god of love when there is so much pointless suffering.
kind of kept some sort of theist belief after I left for the first couple of years, but an atheist now and proud, there is nothing out there, you live and die then return to dust thats it!
Agnostic verging on Athiest.
Had stopped believing in Jesus/Jehovah/Yahway or any other god long time before I left JWland.
Last attended 2002, last convention/assembly sometime in 1990-1993, last went "witnessing" november 1981
deist here, but was confronted with the existence of a beyond physics presence. strong belief in a creator, that needs not to further tinker in his work, that will work itself out now on it's own.
Who of you are agnostic or an atheist? I am agnostic for a couple of months now.
I'm neither. I guess I'm an I-can't-care-less-one-way-or-another-ist.