I have no interest in religion or any belief system. I am "religioned" out.
Since leaving the JW Organization, who is believing?
by Issa 66 Replies latest jw friends
new boy
I didn't through the baby out with the bath water, still believe there is amazing after life waiting for all of us including the Johos
When I first left I thought I was a agnostic but quickly became a atheist
I believe there is a supreme almighty God who name was YHWH. He has a son who he created called Jesus, and the Holy spirit is God's active force. What I don' belive in is a group of guys in up state New York.
I suppose that's why I have taken a liking to visiting lots of different religions, to get different ideas.
I believe there is a supreme almighty God who name was YHWH. He has a son who he created called Jesus, and the Holy spirit is God's active force.
Why do you believe those things Joe?
I don't think there is an all powerful "God" who takes any interest in mankinds affairs even such an entity exists at all.
But ... I'm not dogmatic and I do believe there could have been a "god" (aliens?) who started a process of life and skedaddled a long time ago. Or maybe just that there has always been life somewhere in the Universe.
The future ...
Generally I think when we die then that is it. But if there is a slight chance of an afterlife somewhere I do not believe it is dependent upon worshipping "God" - and certainly not via 7 men in New York or any other religion.
I believe in humanity.
The whole Jehovah thing is just a bad joke especially the way JW'S think of their God.
They have made Jehovah their pet. It's the WTBTS that pulls his strings. This is such a simple god that you can make him sad if you miss a meeting. Angry if you work overtime time to put food on your families table.
A god that you pray to when you have lost your car keys. Or to find a leaking pipe.The scale of a JW'S worship lacks any depth.
They know their god through a screen that the WTBTS provides.
Their followers think if they don't obey every nutty thing coming out of the WTBTS it will make Jehovah sad.
They think reporting Child sexual abuse will disrespect Jehovah's name. This by the way is a name that was made up by a Catholic Monk in the 13th century.
Now if we can move past the JW religion it should be noted that every other religion has their own god usually in a form that looks like the people who made this god up. His or her rules reflect their culture and traditions. YHWH reflects the Jewish culture and the time frame when the Old Testament was compiled.
It has been said that God's natural language is silence....and that everything else is just a bad translation.