Today's a bad day for me. Usually I'm the pillar of strength to Mrs Ozzie who sheds a tear for her kidnapped children each day. But not today.
It's been more than a year since the Borg sent a henchman with a word from Bethel to tell us they'd "got our kids". All of them loyal to the Borg to the end, well till today at least. So no talking, no nothin'. Previously there wasn't a day when we didn't all speak together. We knew "the inclinations of the heart"...but that was then. Since their kidnapping, there's been a deafening silence, and it hurts.
Had their parents done anything 'wrong'? No, except that they chose to simply not associoate any more and after much Bible study and soul searching started attending a church.
Grief is terrible to bear, but this is worse than grief. There's no 'body' to say goodbye to for they're still living! The pain in the chest is almost unbearable.
That's the reality of life in and away from the Borg. The WTS claim on their website that they don't break up families. Like hell they don't! The liars!
Ozzie (of the cheerless class)