Hi Ozzie,
Since their kidnapping, there's been a deafening silence, and it hurts.
Had their parents done anything 'wrong'? No, except that they chose to simply not associoate any more and after much Bible study and soul searching started attending a church.
Actually, I'm glad you posted about your feelings, because I still can't shake mine off, either! Of course, mine and that of my missus has been only three months. We haven't even attended a church - don't wish to - and we know it is sheer emotional blackmail. It doesn't help when people post that "it could take years" before one's family come round to the errors of the Watchtower. YEARS!! <*"%!**&! hell (that's another thing, I never used to swear until this happened!).
I wake up every morning thinking of my two girls. I go to bed thinking the same thing. Last week an exJW whose wife still attends meetings told me that my older daughter's husband was appointed a ministerial servant. That means it's likely we won't hear from her for even longer. Her husband is obviously going to be "worthy" of his appointment and keep us at a good distance. I now dislike the guy immensely - and yet I know it's not his fault. It's just that one continually hopes that he would have the balls to ask why two previously dedicated JWs could, along with their two equally dedicated sons, just throw it all away!
Like you, Ozzie, I'm in pain. I was about to say your situation is worse - but ALL such situations defy belief! I've never hated anything so much in all my life! It's made me angry, bitter, resentful, fed up and vengeful. I told my wife the other day that the planes that hit the twin towers should have hit Watchtower at Brooklyn! Obviously, I don't mean it - and I wouldn't want innocents to die - but the situation makes one hate everything about Watchtower.
When I think clearly I can be eloquent. When I don't think clearly I think the biggest crap going!! I know YOU and others like us can TRULY appreciate what I'm saying. I was told that it takes at least six months before one truly chills out from the indoctrination. The painful memories, I was informed, are still there but one can handle them better. I guess you're having a bad day and I'm TRULY sorry, mate!
I've got a lump in my throat so I'd best end this!