How to sue the WT over shunning policy. It CAN happen!

by Bad_Wolf 224 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • poopie

    Dont tell me what i cant or should not do. ...

  • poopie

    Read the story of kalief bowder on cnn about the emotional abuse of being in solitary confinement.

  • Bad_Wolf
    For instance, someone associates with an ex-member of the JW and is excommunicated for it. In that scenario, both the ex-member and the excommunicated one could bring the local congregation and the WT to court for “intentional infliction of emotional distress” as the action taken by the church was solely meant to limit the right of association. As such a right is a “basic human right”, the action taken against it is illegal.
    The WT would easily be held accountable as its instructions on the matter are found in their “Shepard the flock of God” book.

    If this would work, then anybody who has not disassociated or been DFed here, they need only tell the elders or let it be discovered they are on 'apostate' and 'ex jw forums' and they will be dfed for associating with ex members.

  • Bad_Wolf
    When the WT presents the shunning practice to the courts and tell them that it is a personal religious practice that must be protected, they are lying.
    It’s an official rule of the group, and they haven’t been shy spelling that out. When the rubber meets the road, the members have to inforce it. For that to occur, each member has to choose to go along with it. They have the choice to leave too.

    Evidently, you did not real the FAQ on shunning on, where they present to new members and those interested, that "normal family relations continue" if one leaves the religion. Waiting until they have their whole family in until they spill the beans, if any of you leave now, the rest of your family will shun you.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    If this would work, then anybody who has not disassociated or been DFed here, they need only tell the elders or let it be discovered they are on 'apostate' and 'ex jw forums' and they will be dfed for associating with ex members.

    Exactly. But most of us, like me, still do not want to be officially out due to family that is still in. So their threat actually do work.

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