When in all actuality what really happened is more like this: "russell and his dad and a bunch of other satanists got together and said, 'how can we blaspheme Jehovah's name the most?" and they decided to weave in sun-worship, idolatry, pyramidology, csa, abuse, shunning and other demonic teachings while publicly claiming to represent God.
This is difficult to believe. Remember that in the initial degrees of Masonry much is said and done in the name of God. In fact, the tabernacle and Temple in Jerusalem and their various elements is oft used in its symbolism and rituals.
It is here that Christian men get excited over the prospect of becoming Masons and attaining entry into the highest degrees. Russell very likely was one of these men that got carried away with his desire to become a Mason and could very well have been accepted into high degrees. It's clear he never gave up his Freemason ideas. Also, you can't ignore the fact that he successfully established a new religion.
But the simple fact that the JW religion essentially reinvented itself after his death, and deliberately did away with all Masonic symbolism leads me to believe that modern JW leadership is just not Masonic.
JW consistently takes the side of God in the original 'battle of wits' between God and the Masons in the account of the Exodus. To attempt to hide favor on behalf of egypt and its gods in such a way so as to render it vastly improbable is simply not the Masonic way.