Nice try WT plant (or genuinely mentally ill person). We disavow you and your nonsense, as we have plenty of valid reasons to criticize the org.
Bethelites dressing up for Halloween
by neat blue dog 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When I was PIMI, I was shocked to see that image. This was the first nail in the coffin. Excuse the pun. I gradually began to question everything after that year.
neat blue dog
so you are admitting you wear the JW costume all the time!
You do realize most everyone here is an ex JW, or part time for family? You're so disconnected from reality, get a grip.
I think that is Lazarus in the back ground and Jezebel front & center.
Likely just an innocent JW costume party.
Desirous...add, Nebuchadnezzar the man with eagle feathers, claws and heart of a beast, Giants with 6 fingers, flying serpents/dragons, (seraphim), and 4 headed winged chimeras, the dead en mass walking out of the cemeteries and entering towns (with rotten clothes or nude I suppose), the witch of Endor and the ghost of Samual, demon possession with superhuman strength to break chains, a blood covered samson with a jawbone in his hand.....the Bible is filled with good Halloween costume ideas.