What are the biggest holes in evolution?

by shadow 133 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fisherman

    Exactly the same way I know the earth isn't flat. The evidence is overwhelming.

    I suggested Aristotle to you. The reason that it is fact that the earth is not flat is not because the evidence is overwhelming -that implies less that 100 percent evidence- but because it has been measured to be the striking case. It is not a conclusion from the evidence but the evidence itself.

  • cofty
    truths are are not dependent on being proven but they continue to be the case whether or not they can be proven.

    Orwellian doublespeak.

  • cofty

    Fisherman if the DNA of a child and a man was sent to a lab to test for paternity and the results were unequivocal and just to be sure multiple samples were sent to lots of independent labs and they all came back with the same clear result would you still question it?

    The strongest evidence for evolution is of exactly the same sort.

    What if there was also tons and tons of evidence that the man had sex with the child's mother at the time in question?

    We could go on but sooner or later rational people accept that something is proven beyond all reasonable doubt.

    If there was evidence to contradict evolution then we could at least have an interesting conversation about it but there is none.

    You are afraid of the possible implications of evolution being true and so you hide from the facts and pretend there are two sides to the debate. There isn't.

  • Fisherman

    same clear result would you still question it?


    The strongest evidence for evolution is of exactly the same sort.

    How so. (as Polonius would say)

    rational people accept that something is proven beyond all reasonable doubt.

    true But you are using these examples assuming evolution is exactly the same case. That is what you say.

  • cofty
    How so?
    Part 1 - Protein Functional Redundancy - - - - - - - - Part 2 - DNA Functional Redundancy
    Part 3 - ERVsPart 4 - Smelly Genes
    Part 5 - Vitamin CPart 6 - Human Chromosome 2
    Part 7 - Human Egg Yolk GenePart 8 - Jumping Genes
    Part 9 - Less Chewing More ThinkingPart 10 - Non-Coding DNA
  • Fisherman

    Where is it shown that evolution is exactly the same as a paternity test with the same degree of certainty?

  • cofty
    Don't be so bloody lazy
  • slimboyfat
    Cofty sometimes we can think the evidence is overwhelming and yet be mistaken. A couple of months ago after a trip we wanted to get Chinese takeaway when we got home. So while still travelling I phoned up the China Garden and asked for a king prawn curry to be ready to pick up. But when I went into the shop to pick it up the woman said we hadn't made any order. I insisted I had and she insisted I hadn't. So I got out my phone and showed her the phone call to the China Garden lasting 1 minute. The evidence was clear. So who do you think was right?
  • nicolaou

    That's a terrible analogy Slim'.

    Perhaps if tens of thousands of phone calls to the China Garden from hundreds of locations were all logged by dozens of professional communication experts and scrutinised for errors by rivals heavily motivated to find mistakes and with the results all made public . . .

  • Fisherman

    evidence is overwhelming

    Now wait a minute! Cofty equates the overwhelming evidence of evolution with the fact that the earth is a sphere. In fact, he says 100%.

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