It's not the same religion anymore.

by punkofnice 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • littlerockguy

    Some are so invested that even if the Society started putting idols in the KHalls, they would consider themselves at fault for questioning the GB

    Isn't that what they did in Chile by displaying the national flag?


  • punkofnice
    LRG - Isn't that what they did in Chile by displaying the national flag?

    The times certainly are a changin'

    Follow the money.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS/JWS is not the same organization as it used to be simply for the reason that most of its doctrines have proven false or it cant support itself from those old contrived doctrines.

    What we see today with the JWS is a much lighter version of its past. less meetings, less magazines and books published, less hours for pioneering, but surprisingly more real estate development, more deceiving corruption concerning money and its operative cultivation.

    The recent video put out by the WTS showing how JWS children should give up their money given to them by their parents or relatives for candy and treats, would be better to give to the Watchtower Corporation (Jehovah's Organization) is indicative of how the organization is now trying to draw in more money.

    The cry out by the organization that its desperately poor or broke is an out right deceiving lie, according to government investigations of nonprofit charitable organizations.

  • punkofnice
    Finkski - I agree. Those disgusting popes in Brooklyn are only after money and power.
  • wisdomfrombelow

    Those disgusting popes in Brooklyn are only after money and power.

    I sometimes wonder which is more important to them, money or power. I know they go hand-in-hand and the corporation needs money to survive but I could see them being less "hands on" controlling if it was accompanied with sufficient increase in funds. I wonder how that would play out...

  • punkofnice
    Wisdom - Outlaw calls them 'rock star popes'. I agree with him. Who knows which is most important to those over stuffed lard bucket pigs?
  • Vidiot

    @ Finkelstein...

    The way I see it, they're making it easier and easier to be a dyed-in-the-wool loyalist...


    ...but harder and harder to be a faker, fader, or fence-sitter.

  • jws

    It is and isn't the same religion. A lot of the beliefs underneath have changed. The generation, F&DS, etc.

    But in general when I was in, it wasn't about all of the details for many. It was more of a lifesytle. We don't celebrate these things, don't take blood, we try to live with the Christian idea of "good". And we go to these meetings/conventions and out preaching.

    In that way, I see it pretty much the same.

    Although I get this feeling, peering in from the outside, that the loyalty to do all that is "suggested" has faded. There's often not the zeal that past generations had.

    For instance, one of my son's best friends is a JW at school (my son never was). This JW's parents let him play football, hang around with my son (a worldly kid), etc. In my day, I'd never be able to play football due to the practice time interfering with studying and meetings. I wouldn't be able to hang around with worldly kids (though I did all the time at school + the neighbors).

    Even their door-knocking work. I lived in this city for a couple of years before the JWs knocked on my door and I had already had Baptists on my door first and they aren't even known for doing that. And they rarely call. Sometimes all they do is leave tracks and don't bother to ring the door or knock (I'm often home, I know).

    So the difference in my opinion is that they're more relaxed. Not only in attitude, but in fewer meetings too.

  • TheWonderofYou

    It was even difficult 30 years ago when I was in, to stay on the ball with the arrangements.

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  • punkofnice

    Vid - Looks like it's engineered that way eh?

    JWS - The zeal certainly has gone. We now see a watered down and heavily controlled herd of sheeple.

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