I tend to keep my personal beliefs separate from my posts.
I know that is often different from others as their posts as often one and the same with their opinions.
I think that is good. You get to learn a lot about people that way. I tend not to do that because I don't think that my personal beliefs or opinions can help people. But I occasionally do state my personal view at times but only with a comment stating that I am doing so.
My only interest was to originally help discuss Watchtower subjects and those associated with the Bible from a critical perspective. I've been asked if I believe the following regarding Judaism since I was born to Jewish parents, so I thought I would give answers here:
Q: Do you believe that ancient Jews viewed the Biblical stories and characters as allegorical, like modern Jews do?
No. I don't. And not all modern Jews believe this either. Judaism is a culture or civilization and the individuals are subject to a spectrum of beliefs. In the past, more Jews took most of these stories as literal truth, but it depends on which story you have in. According to Jewish tradition and the Talmud some stories have always been seen as metaphor by many--but by no means all, like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, while Adam and Eve were believed to be historical. Today you have to ask individual Jews what they believe as it is not based merely on denominational differences. There has never been a complete consensus however. I don't have a personal view on what Jews believed in the past or believe today.
Q: Do you believe that Jews had various beliefs in the past?
It is scholars, rabbis and academics who teach Jewish pluralism. It has little to do with "beliefs" as with Christianity but more to do with Jewish practices (as in whether one keeps kosher or not). There has always been various ways and differences in Jewish practices which led to denominational splitting such as during the time of Jesus. This pluralism goes back further and stayed within Judaism to the point that it created the Reform Movement in the 1800s, the Conservative denomination in response to that, and on and on.
This has nothing to do with my personal beliefs.
Q: When did you leave the Watchtower? Do you try to preach or recruit still? Do you believe Jews are the chosen people?
June 1995.
I am not engaged in evangelism.
I don't believe that as a Jew that I am in a special covenant with God that makes me far more special than any other people on the planet or that I have the true religion.